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"It's time to get up in the morning. We've made some breakfast for you. It took two hours to cook it, so you better get up and eat it..." Selena and Courtney sing, changing words around from the original version trying to wake me up.

"It's time to get up! It's time to get up! You better get up! It's time to get up! It's time to.. Get uuuuuuup!" they finish after jumping all around me on the bed.

"Fine, fine. I'm up!" I laugh, slowly sitting up. We all walk downstairs and sit at the table after putting food on our plates.

"Did it really take you guys two hours to make this? It's eggs and bacon not rocket science!" I tease with a sly smile.

"Hey! That bacon kept popping me!" Selena defended, making me laugh.

"Well thanks, I appreciate this New Years Day breakfast." I say.

I stand up and clean my plate, putting it in the dishwasher and heading upstairs. Walking into the bathroom, I take a quick hot shower washing all the necessities. I get out and dry myself off, wrapping my hair up in a towel. I slide on my light blue skinny jeans, a white flowing tank up with my favorite cardigan. I dry my hair and curl it, doing my make up normal. I slide on a pair of vans, unplug my phone and walk downstairs. Selena and Courtney are no where to be seen, figuring they went home to get ready I sit on the couch and go through Twitter as I wait. Once I click on the app, I notice my notifications are blown up, along with DMs. Clicking on it my heart drops into my stomach.

@NiallOfficial followed you!

@NiallOfficial retweeted and favored your tweet!

Going through my notifications I notice that hundreds of fans have followed me from Niall retweeting that one tweet. I shakily go to my DMs and scroll down seeing message after message from fans, until I come across one that catches my eye. Niall's. I click on it and read what it has to say.

Lauren ! Sorry t bother you, but I saw your tweet and remembered you from the party. The boys and I are still in town and I was wondering if you would like to meet me somewhere and we can hang out.

I read it over a few time before having the strength to reply.

Niall! That sounds absolutely amazing! There's a small diner downtown, it's hiding also so you won't get seen.

I run back upstairs to my room and make sure my hair and make up are perfect. I put on deodorant and my favorite perfume. I walk back downstairs nearly bumping into my two best friends.

"Gosh, Lauren. In a rush?" Selena asks me.

"Um no, not exactly." I say, my voice wavering.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous." Courtney tells me, before I could answer my phone vibrated.

Sounds great ! Meet ya there in an hour?

I reply with a quick "sounds good!" and give my phone to my two friends for them to read. Gasps and giggles come out of each of them.

"Oh my gosh, you have a date with Niall Horan!" Selena squeals.

"It's not a date. We're just hanging out as friends!" I defend myself.

"Okay, if you say so." Courtney says, rolling her eyes. I grab my phone back and add finishing touches to myself.

*An Hour Later*

I walk I to the small empty diner and look around. I smile when I see a blonde Irish boy sitting in the back corner on his phone.

"Hey stranger." I say, sitting in front of him. He looks up and smiles.

"Hey there." he says, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Do the fans know you're here?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Paul brought be through the back alley. Hopefully we can get away without them finding us." he says and I nod. We get our food and drinks and I don't hesitate to start eating.

"You look absolute beautiful today, by the way." Niall tells me, making me blush.

"Thank you, as do you. Buy honestly, you never look bad." I tell him.

"I beg to differ." he answers and we laugh. We finish our food and throw our plates away. We start to leave when we notice it's pouring rain.

"Fan freaking tastic." I mumble under my breath. Before I realize it, Niall takes his jacket off and puts it over me, wrapping his arms around mine. We run down the sidewalk in the direction of my house. We walk up the stairs to the covered porch.

"Thank you, for doing that. You didn't have to." I blush.

"What kind of guy would I be if I let you walk on the sidewalk without anything covering you from the rain? I'm better than that." he tells me.

"I know." I smile and look up at him, our eyes meeting.

It holds my waist and walks a bit closer, leaning down his lips slowly meet with mine. This kiss was so much different from the one last night. The midnight kiss was rushed and unexpected. This one was soft, sweet, gentle and needed. I smile and hug him when we pull away.

"We should do this again sometime." he tells me and I nod. I get his phone out of his front pocket and type my number into it.

"Don't hesitate to text or call me." I tell him and he nods, kissing my cheek before walking off into the rain.

I walk back inside the house and shut the door with my back against it. A big smile is plastered onto my face. I'm falling so hard. Maybe, just maybe, he's the one to catch me.


I walk through the door of the hotel we're all staying at. I put my coat on the coat rack by the door and take my shoes off so I wouldn't get water and mud everywhere. I plug my phone into its charger and send a quick text to Lauren.

Good night beautiful ! I couldn't have asked for a better day !

Not knowing if she'll text back, I don't bother waiting. I walk into another hotel room that the others are in.

"Nialler! Glad you could join us. How was your date?" Louis asks.

"It wasn't a date. Or I don't think it was. But it went well. We have each other numbers now so we can text, especially when we go on tour." I say and they all nod, not really paying attention.

I sit in the back and watch as Louis and Liam play Fifa. Not long after, I'm joined by Harry.

"Same girl from the party?" he asks and I nod.

"She's amazing Haz. I'm not only with her to forget about Kasey. I forgot about her long ago. Lauren isn't like your regular girl. She's different and that's what I like about her." I tell him.

"I can tell you really like her. Your eyes light up just by hearing her name. But, if you end up not wanting her.. Mind if I have a go at it?" he asks and I shake my head, jokingly hitting his arm.

After hours of playing video games, I walk back into my hotel room and check my phone. I got a lot of messages from Lauren, most of the recent ones say..

No! Don't read that!

Sorry, my two best friends are over!

I laugh and send back an it's okay and change into sweatpants with a t-shirt. I lay down and close my eyes. I replay the events that happened today and slightly smile before falling into a deep sleep.

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