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"Shit" I mumble under my breath, as the car slowly comes to a stop.

"Why are we stopping?" Lauren asks me.

"Just a minor setback. Don't worry." I sigh as the car rolls down hill into a parking lot. We unbuckle and get out, grabbing our bags with us. I look around to see that were at a Motel. We walk inside and I check out a room.

"You can go get settled while I make a phone call." I tell Lauren, giving her a quick kiss. She nods and walks inside. I walk down the hall and dial a number.

"Hello?" I hear on the other end.

"Greg! I hate to bother you but my car sorta broke down on the way back from our trip." I tell him.

"Niall, we told you not to take that car for a reason." he sighs.

"I know, I'm sorry I didn't listen. Could you just please come help us out?" I ask.

"Where are you?" he asks.

"At a Motel 6 in the middle of that stretch of road that leads to the abandoned beach." I answer.

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can." he tells me and we hang up.

I walk into the hotel room and see Lauren laying on the bed, scrolling through her phone. She sets it aside and sits up when she notices my presence.

"I feel like you're hiding something from me." she says.

I walk over to her and sit beside her, deciding to tell her.

"The car that we took wasn't exactly a reliable car. But it was the only one in the family that was roomy enough to sleep in and still have room for our suitcases. My parents didn't want me taking it for the sake of our safety for this reason but I wanted to take it. My brother Greg is coming to our rescue but it could be hours or even tomorrow." I tell her.

"Well, atleast were in a motel with a bed. And I have to admit, this is a pretty amazing room." she smiles.

"I know people." I say making us both laugh.

I sit behind her and pull her between my legs, and start massaging her shoulders and back. I lean down and leave kisses along her neck and shoulder.

"Niall." she whispers.

"Hmm?" I him against her ear.

"We can't do this." she answers.

"What? Can I not love on my girlfriend? We've done it before, what's wrong with doing it again?" I ask, kissing right below her ear. With that she gave in.

• • •

"Can we just stay in this moment forever?" Lauren asks, intertwining our fingers.

"I wish we could, baby girl." I answer, pressing my lips against her forehead.

"How about, I go pop us some popcorn, put us in a movie, and we can stay in this moment for tonight?" I ask, and she nods.

I pull on my boxers and walk into the mini kitchen, getting the popcorn ready. While waiting for the popcorn, I look through the movies owned by the hotel and put one in. I pour the popcorn in a bowl and lay back in bed, setting the popcorn in the middle of us.

Once the bowl is empty, I set it on the night stand beside the bed and hold Lauren close to me. I feel her steady breathing, telling me she's asleep. I kiss her forehead lightly and turn the TV off.

I pull the blankets over us and wrap my arms around her once again. She stirs lightly in her sleep to get comfortable. She takes my hand and pulls it over her waist, intertwining our fingers. I smile and lay close to her, closing my eyes as I think to myself.

I don't want this night to end.

Just so everyone knows, there's about a day or two gap between last chapter and this one!!

Sorry for the crappy short chapters! I'm just using these as fillers to lead up to the good stuff that's about to happen!

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