IX: One Last Attempt

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Things became awkward ever since they arrived home from talking at the park. Neither of them tried to lighten the atmosphere, and maybe it was for the best. They needed the time and silence to think about what would happen next.

Atsumu stayed at home the next day while Kiyoomi went to work. After that, things seemed to have returned to how they were before the three-month limit he asked for. Kiyoomi was back to giving him the cold shoulder, but Atsumu remained the same. He still prepared lunch for Kiyoomi, told him to drive safely, and used the rest of the day to build up the courage to ask him to go to Nara with him.

Kiyoomi arrives home and finds Atsumu standing in front of him, "welcome home," Atsumu gives him a small awkward smile and takes his bag, making him feel anxious. He squints his eyes at Atsumu and follows him inside.

Atsumu can feel Kiyoomi burning holes at the back of his head, but he ignores it, "you can take a shower while I set the table,"

"Is there something wrong? I'm starting to feel anxious," Atsumu turns around and faces Kiyoomi, "I'll tell you over dinner," Atsumu's expression was blank, making it harder for Kiyoomi to guess. Atsumu keeps Kiyoomi's bag before going into the kitchen, ignoring the glances Kiyoomi was throwing at him. Kiyoomi sighs and gives up. He enters the room and thinks about asking later.


Atsumu can feel Kiyoomi staring at him the moment Kiyoomi took the seat in front of him, but he doesn't say anything, "Atsumu," Kiyoomi calls out.

Atsumu knows what Kiyoomi meant by calling his name, but he shifts the topic by asking something else, "what do you want to eat?"

"Atsumu, stop playing around, tell me what's on your mind,"

"You kept the divorce papers from me for who knows how long. I think you can wait for a little longer," Atsumu's words and gaze were sharp. It was his first time snapping at Kiyoomi, and seeing the shock on his face made Atsumu feel guilty, but he didn't attempt to take back what he said or apologize.

"I want to go to Nara with you," Atsumu says after the prolonged silence. Kiyoomi raises his head and stares at him, "why?"

"I wanted to spend our last anniversary with you alone before our parents arrive," Atsumu averts his gaze as he calls it their last. It still hurts, and he didn't want to see Kiyoomi's face after hearing his words.

"Why Nara?" Atsumu turns to Kiyoomi and looks him straight in the eyes. If he was scared of seeing what expression Kiyoomi would show him after hearing the word last. This time, he wants to see what Kiyoomi's reaction would be if he tells him the reason, "you proposed to me at Nara. Isn't it right to end it where it started?"

Kiyoomi's face was stoic. Atsumu wasn't surprised, but he did notice how Kiyoomi's breathing hitched and how he froze. He kept eye contact with Kiyoomi and waited for his answer. After a while, Kiyoomi releases a sigh, "okay, I already asked for a leave the rest of the week anyway, so we can go anytime you want,"

Atsumu nods. Kiyoomi lifts his gaze and looks at Atsumu, waiting for more details about their trip, but when he noticed that Atsumu wasn't going to say anything, he decided to ask, "when are we going?"

"Tomorrow at six. I already have the tickets prepared. We'll come back the next day at seven," Atsumu was nonchalant as he answers. He was expecting himself to look forward to the trip or feel anxious, but all he feels is indifference. He wasn't sure if it's because he wasn't expecting much when he asked Kiyoomi or because he's emotionally drained from everything that happened.

"Alright," Kiyoomi doesn't say anything else after that, nor did Atsumu.

Kiyoomi offered to wash the dishes while Atsumu went to his room. He lies there, eyes glued to the ceiling as he thinks. He still doesn't understand why he feels empty. It's not like he was excited while preparing at Nara, but he wasn't expecting to be nonchalant about the situation. He didn't even feel anxious while waiting for Kiyoomi's answer when he asked if he wanted to go, and it bothered him.

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