6 | Long Forgotten Nightmares | 6

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"Did you call me Gogy?" George asked Sapnap, not quite sure if he'd heard right.

"You bet. Just payback for Sappy nappy or whatever you called me," he responded, acting as if that were obvious. Dream doubled over in laughter, wheezes that made it sound like he was straining for breath escaping his throat.

"So, we're stuck here, all together. What do we do?" Dream asked after relaxing a bit.

"Don't look at me," George said shrugging. "It's your guys' house."

"Okay, then I vote that we just watch a movie," Sapnap sighed, stretching his arms above his head and yawning, though it was only two pm.

"Sounds good to me," Dream said, exiting the bathroom which had become a little cramped since Sapnap interrupted. The dark haired boys followed the taller into the living room, Sapnap collapsed onto an armchair next to the couch that George hadn't noticed before. George nervously sat on the couch, the side without the chase. As Dream sat beside him, kicking his legs up onto the chase, he tried to keep in his own corner as much as possible. His entire body was screaming at him to run, to avoid the human contact which had only got him hurt so many times before.

But he couldn't bring himself to. Part of it may have been the knowledge that he had nowhere to go, but George knew that that wasn't the whole story. More hadn't stopped him from leaving before. No, he knew it was because of the tranquility in Dream's mannerisms, they seemed to put everyone to ease constantly.

George shivered then, whether from the cold or something else he wasn't sure. Dream turned to him. "You cold?" he asked. George nodded, and he threw him the navy blue blanket George had seen laying on the couch when he woke up. It smelled like vanilla and some kind of cologne, probably mahogany and teakwood. George had seen that many times at Bath and Body Works when looking for "a present for a certain lucky lady" as he had put it to the saleswoman, but never bought it out of embarrassment. He loved the smell, though. George was just now realizing that the smell was Dream, the scent that wafted around any area he went. It was obvious he had a thing for smells.

Sapnap chose a movie first, deciding on the live action Beauty and the Beast.

"Really, Sapnap? You're just gonna immediately dive into the deep end and show George what you're really into?" Dream asked, George giggled quietly.

Sapnap narrowed his eyes at Dream. "I like what I like, if he doesn't like that he can go in another room. Besides, Belle is single handedly the best Disney Princess," he bit back.

"That's true, but why are we watching the live action, then?" George stepped in, taking the middle ground. "Don't get me wrong, this one's fine, but the classics are always the best." Dream smiled at him.

"Well we don't have the animated one. It's back at my old house in Texas. I had to buy this one when it came out," Sapnap said disappointedly. Though his tone was sarcastic, he looked like he genuinely did regret not bringing it with him.

"Aw, boohoo. Does someone regret leaving home to live with his best friend?" Dream mimicked with fake empathy. Sapnap rolled his eyes.

"I'm starting to, yeah," he said, all three laughed. "What about you George?"


"Do you regret moving here? Are there people you left behind?" Sap questioned, both boys curious now.

"One," he said. "Though I doubt they even care."

"What do you mean?" Dream said.

"Um." He thought about how to answer. Should he tell them the truth? Usually, the answer would be no, never. But there still was that feeling gnawing at him from the inside out telling him he could trust them, that he needed to. He wasn't used to this. "Well, I was never very close with anyone in England, my parents separated when I was fifteen and I had to start working pretty early on to help me and my mom. I worked as a receptionist, basically, in a children's therapy office, though why I chose there still eludes me. I hate kids." The two laughed.

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