19 | Closure | 19

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"Sap, can we talk?" Dream said, George and him sat down at the island where Sapnap was eating his breakfast.

"Um, yeah, I actually have something to tell you guys. I was gonna wait till Karl gets back from his grandparents' house, but I guess now's fine too."

"Us first," George said, looking to Dream for clarification. He nodded, and George began, "So, we were talking, and we decided that we already want to take that next step. We want to move in together. But, if we were to do that, either Dream would have to move out with me, or we were gonna offer for you to take my apartment," George suggested.

Sapnap's eyes lit up as he realized what they wanted. "Wait, that's what this is about? Ha! As fate would have it, our needs are aligned, my good sirs. That's what Karl and I wanted to talk about! Karl gets done with school in May and he was planning on moving here. That's why he came here, to tell his grandparents. He's gonna get a place and, um, I wanted to move in with him. I love you, Dream, but I think I'm in love with him. Him being here has made us both realize that, and we wanna give it a try.

"But, if you were to move out with George that would make things so much simpler. Karl wouldn't have to look for a place and I wouldn't have to go anywhere, and we'd have somewhere affordable and nice that's still near you both."

Dream smiled at his best friend, clearly loving the idea just as much as him. "Perfect, thanks for understanding and not making fun of us for it being too soon," he said.

"Yeah of course, man. I saw the way you used to boggle over Gogy when he would come into the bar to talk to Puffy. And how jealous you were when you thought they were a thing," Sap teased and Dream punched him in the shoulder.

"You were jealous of Puffy and I?" George asked.

"A little, when I always used to see you in that booth, leaned inwards, absorbed in your conversation. I was fascinated by you and I didn't know why, so when I thought it was impossible for you to ever return that because you were straight, I was mad. I actually threatened to quit, it just made me so angry, but Sapnap and Nihachu talked me out of it."

George looked at him sadly, understanding that feeling of not being able to be with the person you so desired.

"And I'm glad I didn't," he said, trying to shift the atmosphere back to happy thoughts. "Cuz look at me now, about to live with that boy that I developed somewhat of an obsession with those three something months ago. Just goes to show that if something's meant to happen to you, it will."

"Ugh, gross. Take that optimistic attitude and get it out of my apartment," Sapnap said, grinning.

"Why you little..." Dream muttered, tackling him to the floor. George just stood there, staring down happily at his favorite people in the world as they rolled around in a ball of laughs and giggles and wheezes.

* * *

When Karl got home later that night, Sapnap excitedly recited the conversation. He was ecstatic, eyes brightening instantly at the news. He started to cry, also, balling into Dream's hoodie as he thanked him over and over, saying things about his grandparents and how he couldn't find anything near enough to them that he could afford.

He also hugged George, but it didn't last as long because Dream indiscreetly forced them apart, making all three of them laugh.

"Sorry, Karl," he said, joking it but also meaning it. "Georgie's hugs are reserved for me and me alone."

"Oh really?" Karl challenged. "What if I... did this!" He grabbed George and Sapnap, pulling both of them into a tight group hug. George was trapped in the middle of the two, unable to move or breathe. Sapnap stumbled, falling forwards onto George who fell into Karl. As they were about to hit the ground, George felt hands grab him by the top of the arms, pulling him away from the other two.

Karl and Sapnap hit the ground, Sap on top of Karl, as Dream stood nearby, holding George in his arms. George's feet hovered above the ground, Dream held him under his armpits, with George's arms around his neck.

"I'd do that," Dream laughed.

Sapnap stood, a deep blush covering his face as he helped Karl to his feet. "Rude," Karl mumbled. "I just wanted a hug."

"Hey, it was Sapnap's fault for falling," George argued, not able to control his laughter.

"No it wasn't!" Sapnap protested. "Dream pushed me! Big jerk."

Dream wheezed, grabbing his stomach as he did so. George and Karl were also laughing, the only one who didn't find it quite as amusing was Sapnap, who stood awkwardly, still blushing profusely.

"Relax," Karl said as he looked at Sapnap, "No harm done." Sapnap gave him a small smile. "Aww, Snapmap is deprived of love and affection and it's obvious," he said, ruffling Sapnap's hair lovingly. Sapnap grabbed his hand, taking it away from his hair but not letting it go, instead he just held it at his side.

They stared at each other for a minute, Sap and Karl were still holding hands and Dream and George's arms were still wrapped around one another.

"So..." Karl mumbled, breaking the silence. "Anyone for Chinese food?"

"NO!" Dream, George, and Sapnap all shouted at the same time, making Karl laugh. Karl's giggling was contagious, all of them soon joining him.

"I had to, for closure," he giggled. They ordered pizza.

(Word Count: 955)

A/N: Shorter chapter today, but this is the last real thing, the next one is basically an epilogue. Sorry I was really late with an upload today, I've just been busy. 500 reads! I'm so happy right now, and it's thanks to all of you, I hope you know that!

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