9 | Old and New Friends | 9

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George rummaged through his closet, trying to find something decent to wear tonight. Dream had texted him- he didn't even know he had his number- letting him know that they were going to an Italian restaurant, because it was Karl's favorite. He was about to give up and wear something he always did when he stumbled across a certain shirt. It was black with a red, hand stitched number, the number being 404.

He would've worn it, but he figured it wasn't nice enough for tonight's dinner, so he continued looking. He decided on a collared shirt that was a baby blueish color. Pairing it with black dress pants and the same white converse, he decided it was good enough.

He sat on his couch, waiting for a text from Dream alerting him that he was on his way. He was giddy with anticipation, leg bouncing up and down as it did when he was nervous or excited. Which in this case, he was both. He was eager to meet Karl, one of Sapnap's good friends, but he was also happy to be able to spend more time with the boys that had become his friends in a matter of days, or hours. It was incredible, he'd made sure to stay clear of people that had the probability of getting close to him in fear that they would just hurt him in the end, but here were these two, random boys who made their way into his heart in the blink of an eye. He hoped that Karl would like him, too.

It was 7:45 as Dream texted him to let him know he was on his way. George was starving, having not eaten anything since breakfast, but he wanted to make sure he actually ate tonight. He had that problem, if he felt like he ate too much in a day he couldn't bring himself to eat anymore. It wasn't that he was insecure or had an eating disorder, he just felt weirdly full if he ate too often, regardless of what it was that he was eating.

He expected Dream to just text him when he arrived, which is why he jumped at the sound of a knock on the door. He scurried over to open it, smiling at the sight of Dream, who stood awkwardly at the door. He was wearing a green button down shirt with gray jeans, covered by a winter coat, which reminded George to grab his own. It looked like there was some kind of product in his hair, though it hadn't been applied very well, and still stuck out in the messy way George was so fond of. His smile grew wider at the sight of the flowers in Dream's hand: cornflowers and white orchids, which were his favorites. He extended them out to George, who took them gingerly.

"I grabbed the first thing I saw. I figured that you would like the blue arrangement best, because it's your favorite color," Dream said, embarrassed.

"How'd you know that?"  George asked.

"Because you wear blue all the time?" he said, it sounded like a question. George tilted his head to the side.

"How'd you know that?" he asked, confused now.

"It's always the color of your shirt when you come into the bar."

Oh, so that's why. Dream was there watching on those countless times George had gone to see Puffy, his makeshift therapist. He paid attention to him, even the things he was wearing. He was right, too, blue was his favorite color. It was even the color of his current shirt.

"Do you not like them?" he asked, worried now.

"No no, I love them. It was very sweet, thanks," he said, hugging Dream. He could see outside from that angle, and he saw some of his neighbors watching them judgingly. George pulled away.

"Where's Sapnap?" he asked to disguise his embarrassment.

"Meeting us there? I thought that was implied."


"Is that a problem?" he said, a sad look taking place in his eyes.

"No! Not at all, I'm just surprised."

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