8 | Lisztomania | 8

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{Play Lisztomania by Phoenix}

When he woke again, he was still in Dream's room. He must've rolled over in his sleep, because his back was pressed up against Dream, one of his long arms draped over George's side.

"Clay," he cooed, trying to wake him.

"Mm?" Dream grumbled, not moving.

George smiled, instead trying to escape Dream's grasp on his own. He tried to wriggle his way free, but Dream frowned and pulled him closer. He wrapped his other arm underneath George, interlocking his fingers, making escape impossible. George squirmed so he was laying on his other side and looked up at Dream, who was smiling down at him with half closed eyes.

"Go back to sleep, love," he said groggily, closing his eyes. "You deserve it."

George rolled his eyes, pushing on Dream's forehead so he could see him again. "What if Sapnap sees?"

"Let him. I don't care if he does and, let's be honest, he's seen worse."

"You're impossible," George muttered, but gave in and leaned his head on Dream's chest.

He didn't have long to sleep, though, because his predictions came true, and Sapnap burst into the room, doing a double take at the sight of the two. He doubled over in laughter, which woke them both. George cringed with embarrassment and Dream rolled his eyes, pulling his comforter up over his head.

"Seems that you two are getting cozy, huh?" Sapnap said, still laughing hysterically.

"What do you want, Sapnap?" Dream said from under the blanket, voice muffled.

"I just came to tell you that I'm meeting up with Karl today. He's coming to town to see family. You two are welcome to come, though I see that you're pretty busy," he teased. George gasped, grabbing a pillow from behind him and throwing it at Sapnap.

"Shut up!" he yelled at the black haired boy in the doorway.

"It's okay, I get it, I get it. You lovebirds need your privacy, I'll go now."

At that, Dream got up, chasing Sapnap down the hallway. George hurriedly got up and followed the two. Sapnap was squealing like a baby as Dream held him around the neck, violently rubbing his knuckles through his hair. George believed it was called a noogie.

"Stop, stop! I give!" he yelled, dropping to the ground as Dream relinquished his hold.

"Wait, Sap, did you say that you were gonna meet one of your friends who's flying in from North Carolina?" The boy nodded. "Does that mean that the snow has cleared up?" As much as George didn't want to leave, he felt that he should. After all, he'd been there for a few days and had most likely thrown off their usual schedules. He owed them a break.

"Yep, you are free to leave, Gogy," Sapnap said, gesturing to the door.

"Not now though," Dream interrupted. "We haven't had breakfast yet, and I am not driving you home on an empty stomach."

"You don't have to drive me," George said, feeling even more like he was imposing. "I can take the bus, it's fine."

"Not a chance," Dream said decidedly. "After what happened to you last night, you're lucky I'm letting you leave here without a taser." Though he said it jokingly, it warmed George's heart that he cared. He didn't argue, and they sat down at the island to wait for Dream to make breakfast. It had been a long time since George had a home cooked meal, he was usually too tired after work and would order in or simply heat something up in the microwave.

That being said, the scent of bacon made George realize how hungry he was. He couldn't see what he was making, but he could tell he enjoyed it. His movements were relaxed and easy, he knew his way around the kitchen. George, on the other hand, could burn water.

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