16 | Switching Outlooks, Again | 16

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"Are you serious?!" Wilbur yelled at the three boys in front of him. "You let him get taken, even after I warned you that this was most likely gonna happen?"

"Now is not the time for blaming," the one Wilbur believed was called Karl said.

"When did this happen?" he said, furious now.

"Last night," Dream said, taking the rage. He looked angry at himself, too, so he didn't care in the slightest that Wilbur was so mad.

"What- that's impossible! I saw you-" He stopped short, refusing to admit that he'd been watching the four friends. He didn't mean any harm by it, he just wanted to be sure George was safe.

He felt sorry for his old best friend, he'd seen the impact he'd made on George's life and couldn't help but feel guilty. For all his talk to George about not opening up to anyone to avoid heartbreak, he'd done just that. Because Wilbur had left and abandoned him, George knew the pain Wilbur never wanted him to. And then he shut himself off, wrapping himself up in a protective wall to avoid it again, and, in the process, made it worse. Wilbur was wrong back then, George did need people to care about him, he needed to care about people. He wasn't like Wilbur, he was honest and good and deserved to be loved. Dream did the thing that Wilbur never could, he made George see that about himself.

As George had his panic attack the other night, Wilbur saw everything. George's story tore him in two, the one that wanted to comfort him and the one that knew that he would only hurt him further. The second half won that night, he allowed Dream to be the one to help because he knew that only he could repair him in the right way. Wilbur could only tell him how to protect himself in the ways that weren't really protecting anything.

That was all he knew. Wilbur didn't need friends, he never had and didn't think he ever would. That changed when he met George, but, even still, he left him at the drop of a hat when it meant that he could escape his father. He couldn't do that this time, though everything in him was screaming at him to run far away and never look back. He wouldn't, couldn't, do that again.

"I know you have connections, Wilbur, connections that can help us find him. It's up to you whether or not you want to," Dream said, though Wilbur could see the desperation in his eyes.

"Of course I'll help. Believe it or not, I really was George's friend." Dream scoffed. "I was. I have connections, yes, they'll be able to help us."

"It's nothing illegal, right?" Karl asked.

"Ha, no, quite the opposite. How fast can you get us to the police station?" Wilbur said to Dream.

"Get in the car and you'll find out." They piled into the car, Dream didn't even let Sapnap's door close all the way before he started to pull away. Luckily, there wasn't a lot of traffic due to the weather, so Dream sped down the roads, running red lights and not stopping at stop signs. Once they arrived, they hurried into the building, some people nodded at Wilbur as they saw him enter.

"Hey, Will!" the front desk person, known as Fundy, greeted Wilbur and his company as they approached. "How can I help you today?"

"Hey, Fundy. Is he in?"

"Of course, when is he not? You can go ahead and head back there now, I don't think he's doing anything important."

As they went down hallways that were familiar to Wilbur, he could feel the growing anxiousness of the people who followed him. For all they knew, he was leading them into a trap. "What was that guy's name? Fundy?" Karl said.

"It's his last name, but he prefers to go by it because he hates his first name," Wilbur answered.

"Right. And what accent did he have? Dutch?"

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