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 -setting-12,am Bunker, y/ns bedroom

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Bunker, y/ns bedroom.

I slowly wake up as I start to open my eyes. My phone buzzing silently by me as I pick it up.

I say groggily as I yawn softly.

"Hey y/n it's Sam, just wanted to let you know that me and Cass are headed out on a possible lead. Just stay in the bunker till we get back."

"Got it.. buh-bye"
I hang up as I lay my face back into my pillow. My eyes heavy as I try to keep them open. I force myself out of bed as I roll over stretching slowly. I must've gotten up to fast as my head spun slightly.

Falling to the side I brace myself on my nightstand, knocking over things as I fell. I wince at the loud noise as I lean down placing my head in my hands. The door flys open as I spin around placing my hands behind me backing into the nightstand.

I see dean holding a gun as he quickly puts it away. He walks to me swiftly as I close my eyes a little.
"I-I'm sorry ."

"What happened?"

"Just a bit dizzy is all.."
He nods as he leads me to the bed sitting me down. I pull on my nightgown as I rub my temples a bit.
"Can you grab me some clothes from my bag?"

He nods as he opens it searching through the bag. I hear him chuckle as I look over seeing my garters and stripper outfits.
"Planning on spinning on the telescope?"

I laugh as he pulls out a oversized white button up and some black pants as I smile. He hands them to me as he rubs his hand together.
"I'll leave you to it."
I nod as he leaves the room shutting the door.

I get dressed leaving most of the buttons undone as I tuck in the shirt loosely. I put on some platform black pumps with red bottoms as I start to head out of my room.

Heading into the kitchen pulling up my hair I see dean with the fridge open as he sighs.
"Nothing catching your eye?"
He closes the door as his eyes trail to me. He looks me up and down he wipes his lips. Smiling at him he looks away swiftly.

"Let's go get some grub."
I nod as he claps his hands together. I pull out a half astray strand of hair as it falls in front of my face.

Mary's dîner,
1:11 am
« ——————»

We both walk in my heels clacking mixing with the sound of loud laughing and talking. I smile as I look around seeing truckers and drunks. For some reason it was slightly comforting,

I smile sitting in front of dean in a booth as a waiter comes up handing us a couple menus.

"What can I get y'all for today?"

"I'll have a coffee black, you?"
Dean said looking at me pulling open his menu.

"I'll have a coffee 2 sugars please."

"All right, I'll bring that to you. Please take to time."

I nod thanking her as she leaves. I pick up the menu as I glance up at dean. His hand resting along his chin as he rubs his stubble. I feel my heart flutter a bit as his eyes look up at mine. He has a slight smirk as I look down embarrassed.

She comes back handing us our drinks as I nod happily my cheeks flushed red.

"Figure out what you'd like?"

"Yeah , I'd like the breakfast special, bacon ."

"I'd like the Same"
I smile happily as the waiter nods leaving once again.

"So.. what did you do before.. y'a know."
I look at dean as he had a soft blush on his cheeks. I can tell he's trying to have small talk so I smile looking up at him.

"I was,"
I sigh as I take a sip of my coffee looking down at the table fiddling my hands.
"I was a nurse."

Dean looks at me chuckling as I roll my eyes.
"A nurse?"

"Yes a nurse."
He looks at me as he reads my expression. My face stone cold as I lift up my coffee.
He asks with a smug attitude.

"I was.. studying to be a psychiatrist, but medical school is a bitch. Cost me more than I had."
He looks at me as he drinks his coffee the waiter coming with our food. She sits it down as dean rubs his hands together thanking her. I tip back my coffee drinking a big drink.

"So stripping came later?"
I choke on my coffee a bit as I look up at him. He smirks a bit as I shake my head starting to eat chuckling a bit.
"Well my dad wasn't going to pay."

I stop eating at the realization of what just came out of my mouth. Dean looks at me intently as I avoid his look.

"Your dad? You've never mentioned him before."
I put down my silverware as I pick up my coffee drinking it.

"Hes my dad nothing else to know."
I put down my coffee rubbing my shoulder softly as Dean nods. We both continue to eat, as soon we're both finished.
Dean leaves the money on the table with a tip as we head out to the car. I fold my hands together as I look down.

He stops me as he rubs his hand along my arm.
I stop looking up at him my eyes fluttering softly. He moves his hand off my arm as he looks over wiping his face slowly. I give him an innocent glare as I step a foot closer to him.

He looks down at me as I run my fingers along his jawline his stubble catching my nail as i bite my lip softly. I haven't realized how much tension I've put between us till I saw his face.

I mean dean was always an attractive man. I mean he's a nice guys but I've never thought of him as more. Well.. that's a lie. I'd have to admit I may have dreamed of it before but to have in in front of me was...

Life changing.

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