
22 1 0

I suggest the music for this one :)
0:30 at dean POV is kinda nice :p


-Setting-Deans bedroom6,pm «—————»

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Deans bedroom

I lay my head agains this chest, my breathing syncing with his. He looks down at me as I looks at him softly my throat sore.
"I'm sorry for earlier today."
He said with a quiet tone.
"I shouldn't have pushed you."

I lean up kissing him softly as I smile.
"Dean.. it's fine."
He nods but i can tell he doesn't feel the same. I sit up as I fix my bra straps. Fixing them I run my hand along my scars. I look down as I tremble a bit.
"Dean..You should know.."

He sits up behind me kissing my nape softly as he looks at me.
"You don't have to tell me until your ready..."
He wraps his arms around my waist hugging me. Laying his head onto my shoulder I smile happily. I hear the bunker door opening as my smile stays. Getting up from the bed I look around as I grab one of deans shirts slipping it on. He flashes a cheeky smile as he gets up getting his pants on fully.

My lips puffy and red as we leave the room. My hair messy as dean beams walking into the main room. Sam and Cass are laughing with beers as we sit down. Sam passes me one as I nod accepting it kindly.
I said,my voice hoarse and scratchy. I clear my throat as I sip the drink heavily.

"You ok y/n? You sound like hell."
I roll my eyes playfully as I sit down the beer.
We laugh a bit as we start to pass around the pizza boxes.

"So, what did you guys find out?"
I say taking a bite of the plain pizza. Sam nods as he finishes his bite.
"We have a lead to where a demon is. Maybe we can interrogate him, find out who's doing this."

"That sounds like a plan."
Dean said tipping back his beer. I glance at him swiftly as I take another bite smiling softly at him.

We all share drinks and talk. Getting a bit tipsy I start to try and convince Cass to let me teach him how to pole dance. He politely declined as I giggle. I wasn't really good at keeping liquor down so after a good amount of beers I was full blown drunk.like wake up in New Mexico with amnesia drunk.

I giggle as I reach into my bag pulling out my cigarettes.
"Guys, ima head out for a smoke break!"
I giggle slipping on some shoes as I get up.
"Y/n you shouldn't go out alone."
Dean said kindly as I smile at him.

"I'll be ok. It will be quick."
Dean nods as Sam agrees. Sam said he'd check on me in a couple minutes as I head outside. Shutting the door I put a cigarette between my lips holding my lighter in my hand.


-Dean POV-

I look up at the door sipping my beer as Sam walks up the steps. I talk to Cass a bit about the plan as I see Sam rush back inside.
"Dean!, Cass!"
I get up rushing up the stairs as I look outside. Her bag, a cigarette, and her lighter on the ground. Smelling a strong smell of sulfur I quickly look around before heading in to get my keys.

Stomping into the main room Cass puts his hand on my shoulder as he looks at me.
"Dean.. calm down."
I turn around swiftly slamming my hand on the table, holding up the other one up as I push his hand off.
"Don't tell me to calm down! Hunters are dying and she just got fucking taken! So don't tell me how to feel!"

I feel my emotions take over me as I slam the lamp and empty bottles off the table. Grabbing a chair I throw it against the wall, wood breaking into pieces. I hold the back of my head as I grasp my hair tightly.

"Dean.. we will get her."
Sam said as I looked back at him. I head to my room swiftly before walking back out to see them ready. I hold my keys tightly as I look at them.

"Let's go."

-y/n POV-
Warehouse, somewhere in Lawrence Kansas.

I wake up slowly my head throbbing as I still feel a bit tipsy. I look around as I try to move. I look to my sides to see my hands chained up to a wall along with my legs. I move harshly as I try to get free , then I hear footsteps. I look up to see a demon walking up to me with a knife in his hands.

"Aw~ come on now. Trying to leave already."
He said as he walked to me twiddling the knife between his fingers loosely.

  "We're just getting started."


Sorry for the semi- short chapter. This is just a crumb to what's to come. Thanks you for reading chérie:)

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