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Tw: smut ⚠️
I suggest playing the music when y/n does ;)


 -setting-Kitchen, bunker 6,pm«—————»

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Kitchen, bunker

I stood over the stove stirring the vegetables as I smiled. I heard footsteps head into the kitchen as I ignored it knowing it was one of the boys most likely getting a beer.

Suddenly I felt a hand snake around my waist as I blushed. I smiled softly as a hand covered my eyes, I sat down the spatula and giggled softly.
"Guess who."
Dean said as he kissed my neck softly.

I turned around pulling his hand off as I kissed him.
"Dean~ I'm cooking."
He smirked softly and kissed me as he grabbed my ass roughly.
I blush as a noise slipped out my mouth Involuntarily. He raised a brow as he grabbed it again.

I kiss him slowly, as I pulled away. his lips soft and sweet.
"Now. You, Sam, and Cass go wash up. It's almost done."
I smack at his hand as he nods kissing my neck as he left.

Who does he think he is, teasing me like that. I'll show him.
I thought smirking to myself.
I finished dinner plating it up as I headed to the table. I set the table putting out beers and such as I feel proud.

Soon Sam walks out first as he wraps his arm around me kissing my head.
"Thanks y/n.

"It's nothing really. Sit!"
Dean walks in soon with Cass as we all sit down. Dean sits beside me as Cass and Sam sit across from us.
Eating for a bit I open my beer as I place my hand on deans thigh. He hides his reaction by taking a bite of his food.

I move my hand up along his thigh palming him through his denim softly. Dean coughs as his knee hits the table. Sam and Cass look over as I continue to Palm him.
"You ok man?"
Sam said curiously as dean just nodded.

I moved my hand slowly off him as I sit my drink down giggling. We all finish eating,Cass just drinking and chatting with us.
As we all finish Cass and Sam offer to clean up as gratitude. I thank them saying I'm heading to shower.


Heading into my room I put on some music, stripping on my way to the bathroom. Turning on warm water I step in as I hum softly.
I don't hear my door open as my music was loud. Suddenly I hear someone clearing their throat at the bathroom door.

I blush Yelping slightly as I pull the curtain over me as I peak out.
"Care if I join?"
I nod blushing as I see dean standing at the doorway. He starts to strip as I let go of the curtain wetting my hair. I hear the curtain open slightly as I turn around slowly.

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