Part 6

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Coming back to palace both Arjun and Draupadi were happy.
Arjun: waise why were you so afraid of snakes
Draupadi: no they are poisonous. So,
Arjun: ok don't worry I am there na
He holds her hand.

At night.
Draupadi was thinking about today's incident she was scared and was remembering an old incident.
Suddenly someone keeps hand on her shoulder.
She turns and it was Arjun.
Arjun: what are you thinking?
Draupadi: ah.. woh.. waise can I ask you something
Arjun: sure
Draupadi: what's wrong with you and anagraj karn, I mean why you both always fight.
Arjun (calmly): it's nothing serious just a rival for who's best
Draupadi: but why you both are best na I wonder why you both fight
Arjun: not always Today I didn't fight (says proudly) and you should be on my side
Draupadi: why I am fine being the third person you know one thing you both doesn't understand how much strong and best you are and instead of competing you should be together.
Then sees Arjun seeing her.
Arjun was happy seeing this side of her.
Draupadi: just my opinion ( cutely) will you not listen my point
Arjun (smiles): ofcourse I will and I understand what you want to say but for that both sides should agree na and anagraj karn will not agree
Draupadi: how can you say without trying you should try na...

Here anagraj karn was sitting beside Vrushali.
Karn (gives her some ausadi): you're fine right.
Vrushali: Yes I am fine thanks to rajkumar he saved me at right time.
Karn: yaa thanks to him he saved you at right time
Vrushali: we should thank him right(he sees her) Yes we should, and I think you should talk him
Karn: Vrushali we will talk later I have to meet radhe ma too
Saying so he goes.

Next morning 🌅
Whole palace was decorated. All maids were making dishes.
Everyone were rushing here and there due to work.
Arjun was confused seeing this but then realises and goes to get ready.

After some time.
Krishna and satya arrives in Hastinapur.
Krishna firsts meets elder's and then goes to Arjun and Draupadi.
Arjun hugs him happily.
Arjun: welcome in Hastinapur Madhav
Krishna: thanks parth
Satya two hugs Draupadi
Satya: how are you Draupadi?
Draupadi: fine and what about you
Satya: I am fine only
Draupadi: how are you Govind was your journey comfortable
Krishna: Yes, very much comfortable it was.
Arjun: come Madhav everything is ready.

All goes to eat. Later Arjun, Krishna ,satya and Draupadi comes outside the palace to roam on their chariots.
Draupadi sees the forest and she was scared so holds Arjun's hand tightly.
Arjun (sees her scared): what happened?
Draupadi: nothing (says seeing in his eyes).
All reaches near the river.
Satya: wow these place is very nice
Arjun: yaa it's the same place were pitashree and maharaj dhritrashtra used to play in childhood.
Krishna: so you always come here right Parth
Arjun: sometimes whenever feel sad
Draupadi was just seeing the place it was very beautifully decorated.
Satya: wow Arjun it's a good place truly(sees boats) wow boats (to Krishna) Arya we should ride in it.
Krishna: surely but, for now
Satya: come na( saying so drags him)
Krishna turns to Arjun and make a sad face, whereas Arjun assures him with eyes.
Arjun- waise Draupadi we can also( sees her sitting near a tree ) what are you doing there
Draupadi didn't respond she was lost in her own thoughts.
Arjun comes near her.
Arjun: Draupadi, (sees in her direction).
Draupadi:(comes out of her trance and sees Arjun) Arya, (sees backside) where is Govind and satya.
Arjun: what were you seeing?
Draupadi: nothing just was admiring this beautiful place.
Arjun: liked it
Draupadi nods in yes.
Arjun: pitashree used to tell me that in his childhood this was the place where he and maharaj dhritrashtra used to play. And also pitashree used to tell us about how to being a responsible king and many things about dhrama
Draupadi:(thinks something)
Arjun: what happened?
Draupadi: woah... Arya you firstly promise me that whatever I will say you will agree and also I have tell you a really important thing
Arjun: (thinks) accha promise
Draupadi: you wanted to know na why I am so afraid of snakes na
Arjun: yes
Draupadi: you know one day in Panchal  before swayamwar day I was sitting in forest like this only with my friend.
And that time from nowhere some snakes attacked us we tried to ran but they were very much so my friend screfised her life to save me( she was having tears in her eyes). Really I was shocked and could not ran but that someone saved me and he was anagraj karn.
Arjun was confused because he didn't saw him in swayamwar.
Draupadi: yaa he saved me but I didn't know him and also I was in shock to so I couldn't thank him to but when I saw him in Hastinapur I really want to thank him. So I want you to thank him and be friend with him.
Arjun sees her and holds her hands.
Arjun: thank you for making me feel that I am special for you. And don't worry from my side I will try my best to be in good relation with anagraj. Really?
Draupadi: thanks.
Arjun: oh I forgot to tell only come we will have ride in boat.
Draupadi: no I am fine here you also sit na I want to talk to you.

Both sits together and talks about each-other.

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