Part 11

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At night
Draupadi was walking in the corridor.
Draupadi: oh I am so late and it's night to how will I pass through the garden. No I shouldn't fear. My chamber is just some steps away but I have to pass from the garden and it's night.
She comes near the garden. She was walking hurriedly. While walking one stone comes in her path and she falls.
Draupadi leg was paining but she was more tensed because of the dark. Suddenly she hears some footsteps and she becames more afraid and she tries to stand but falls again.
Suddenly someone holds her. Because of the sudden hold she freezes and tears comes from her eyes.
Someone: Draupadi
Draupadi recognise the voice it's Arjun.
She hugs him. But she was shivering. Arjun was shocked by her sudden action but when he sees her shivering he hugs her tightly.
Arjun: Draupadi what happened?
Draupadi: dark....
Arjun breaks the hug and wipes her tears.
Arjun: don't cry are you afraid of dark.
She doesn't speaks and tries to stand but stumbles and Arjun holds her.
He then picks her up. And walks towards their chamber.

In Ardi's chamber
Arjun lies her on bed and was about to go when Draupadi holds her hand.
Draupadi: don't go
Arjun sits beside her and Pat's her head.
He sees her shivering and gets tensed.

He sees her sleeping and puts blanket on her and comes to balcony.
Arjun:  is she afraid of dark. No how can their be so much similarities between them.
He closes his eyes and a old memory comes in his mind.

Small Arjun(of 10 yrs) was going from one chamber to another.
He was finding someone.
Arjun: where did she go it's night already.
He was going from the garden when he sees a girl laying between the path.
And comes to her. And sees the girl.
Arjun: oh no Krishnaa wake up. (He sees soldiers and calls them) come here fast.
Then the soldiers takes her to the chamber. After sometime rajvaidya checks krishnaa.
Kunti was holding Arjun
Arjun: mata she will be fine na
Kunti: yes Arjun
Rajvaidya comes out.
Rajvaidya to kunti: maharani need not worry she is fine just got afraid.
But I gave her awsaudi and now she is resting.
Kunti: thank you
Rajvaidya goes.
Arjun: mata I told her not to go out still she didn't listened my words.
Kunti: don't worry arjun I will scold her later but now she needs rest.
Flashback ends.

Arjun sees inside the chamber and sees Draupadi sleeping peacefully.
Arjun: I don't know why but you both have similar habits. Both are afraid of dark and snakes. And most importantly Draupadi's eyes are same as krishnaa's eyes. No they can't be same no Draupadi can't be...
A long tear escapes from his eyes.
He comes to Draupadi and kisses her forehead.
Arjun: I will not let anything happen to you Draupadi. (He sees her and remembers his krishnaa)
Arjun: krishnaa if you're here na you would be so happy seeing my wife. But truely I would have been the happiest seeing my two closest people.

Then he lies beside Draupadi holding her hand. 
He then hears some sound of payal and turns and finds small girl.
Arjun was shocked to see the girl.
Arjun: krishnaa
Krishnaa: oh then finally someone rememberd me
Arjun was about to stand but sees Draupadi holding his hand.
Krishnaa bents and sees Draupadi.
Krishnaa: who's she ?
Arjun:(sees Draupadi and rubs her hand) my wife
Krishnaa:(comes to him) Arjun how can this be possible (he looks her) so beautiful more than me. So she is the girl because of whom you forgot me
Arjun: no krishnaa I can't forgot you, and pls I love you both equally you both are very special to me.
Krishnaa: don't became serious now I was joking.
Arjun: both I was seriously telling it
Krishnaa: so did you told about me to her(points toward Draupadi)
Arjun: I can't see her in tears. She would be very sad krishnaa.
Krishnaa: you're there to being the shoulder for her right (Arjun nods) ok so now I should not disturb you both I should go
Arjun: no krishnaa... No...
Suddenly he wakes up and realises it was his dream.
He turns but doesn't find Draupadi. He sees that it was already morning and he sleeped more today.
Krishna enters his chamber.
Krishna: oh parth so now you're waking up sleeped well.
Arjun: I didn't realise only Madhav. Anyway you here
Krishna: I came early but you're sleeping. Your wife told that you were tired. So came back  to check you but you have already woke up.
Arjun: (smiles) I am perfectly fine.
Krishna: waise I heard you were calling someone. My sakhi....
Arjun: must be in dream I was calling someone. But Draupadi is present in reality so why would I call her in dream.
Krishna: really bua was saying correct by staying with me you're also talking in riddles.
Arjun laughs.
Krishna: accha so coming with me right
Arjun: where
Krishna: to angraj karn
Arjun: mata will not came
Krishna: she would have come but sakhi, bua and satya with bua Gandhari are going to the meet the saints.
Arjun: oh ok I'll just get freshen up.

Kunti, Gandhari were going together and satya and Draupadi were going together in other chariot.
Satya: Draupadi you know I heard that the big saint even can tell about past breath.
Draupadi: really?
Satya: I am wondering what was I in my past birth. And you
Draupadi: don't know but my past birth will be good only since my this birth is the best so past would be also good
Satya: I think we would have meet in past birth too so we became so good friends in this birth.
Draupadi: it could be.
Soon they reaches the ashram.
Kunti and Gandhari gives some essential things to them.
Draupadi and satya were helping them.
Kunti: putri come here(to Draupadi)
Draupadi goes to her.
Draupadi: yes mata do you need anything.
Kunti: no no I just wanted to take you to the saint. Come
Both goes to one of the saint.
Draupadi takes blessings from him.
Saint: my blessings are with you.
Kunti: she is my bahu.
Saint: she was destined to be your bahu maharani
Kunti was about to ask something when Gandhari calls her and she goes.
Saint (to Draupadi): putri you are born for someone. It's your bhagya that God sended you for him again. (Draupadi looks puzzled) you are his ardhangini, you both are born to bring dharma in aryavart. And dharmatma is with you. So no one can harm you two.
Draupadi: brahmin devta I am really sorry but I'm not understanding.
Saint: with time you'll understand my words. Life we'll tell you why were you born for him.
The saint goes from there.
Draupadi was puzzled.
What connection does krishnaa and Draupadi have?
What were the saint giving indications towards?

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