Part 7

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Soon Krishna and satya comes back and sees Arjun and Draupadi were sitting facing opposite to eachother.
Krishna (goes to Arjun): parth what happened did you both fought.
Satya: it must be Arjun's fault only (says seeing Arjun)
Arjun sees Krishna.
Krishna (sees Arjun and then Draupadi):sorry parth but my sakhi can't be wrong
Both Arjun and Draupadi sees each-other confusly.
Arjun: what are you both saying
Draupadi: we didn't fought we were just sitting opposite because the middle place was dirty.
Satya and Krishna sees each other and then the place.
Arjun (sees them both): Madhav I didn't accept this from you.
Draupadi giggles.
Arjun(sees her): I told you not sit opposite
Krishna: arey parth don't be sad, sakhi didn't do anything knowingly
Arjun: but why only you took side of your sakhi
Satya: because wives are never wrong
Arjun: really?(sees towards Krishna)
Krishna nods.
Draupadi: ( to satya) did you enjoyed
Satya: yes you should also have come. But no worry you can anytime come here
Draupadi smiles at her.
Satya: now we should go back
Draupadi sees Arjun
Arjun: ( sees her) yaa we will but firstly we have to go somewhere
Krishna: where anyone important?
Arjun: very important.
All leaves for karn's house.
Krishna: parth whose home is this
Arjun: firstly we should go back inside.
They sees Vrushali working outside.
Vrushali sees Arjun and Draupadi with Krishna and satya heading towards her.
Vrushali: pranaam ( seeing them) you all
Draupadi: why are you working you should have rest na.
Vrushali: no I am fine. But you all
Arjun: we came to meet anagraj karn
Vrushali: but...
Draupadi: isn't he here.(she takes Vrushali a side) see I convinced him to meet anagraj karn and end the rivalry
Vrushali: oh it's nice but will this work
Draupadi:(sees Arjun) definitely
Vrushali: wait I will call him
She goes inside.
Vrushali: Arya, outside someone came to meet you come fast
Karn: who?
Vrushali: you come na.

Both comes outside.
Karn sees Arjun who was already seeing him.
Karn(to Vrushali): why did they came?
Vrushali: see they came to talk to you so don't get into fight, also rajkumar Arjun saved me na so smilingly approach him.
Karn smiles while going to them
Arjun ( to Krishna): Madhav did I do right by coming here
Krishna: ofcourse parth I told you na my sakhi is always right
Arjun (sees Krishna) : Madhav I am your brother you should be on my side na
Arjun(sees Draupadi seeing him) : what happened?
Draupadi: remember you should talk him politely and don't worry.
Arjun ( in mind): anything for you
Arjun smiles seeing her. 
Satya: waise Arjun I thought you had rivalry with karn na so why you came here
Arjun: to end it
Karn comes to them and join his hands seeing Krishna and satya.
Karn: pranam, you all here
Before anyone could say Arjun speaks.
Arjun: I wanted to talk you
Everyone sees him.
Karn: me (sees Vrushali who was insisting him to speak) ok
Arjun: alone
Both goes to a chamber.
Karn: so tell me what you wanted to say and can you tell me why you were so formal outside
Arjun: firstly thank you for saving Draupadi she told me you once saved her life
Karn: so what she was calling for help so I saved her and also you saved Vrushali too.
Arjun: ok. I( nervously) woah.. see I generally don't have any problem with you and also Draupadi first time asked me something so couldn't deny
Karn: can you speak clearly
Arjun: I want to end our rivalry ( in mind:why our it was only by his side only but still he isn't understanding )
Karn(in mind: he came to end rivalry with me why? Is he afraid of me he is a great archer why would he then for his wife)
Arjun: see I am ending it from my side and if you don't want then Don't worry
Karn: do you really came to say this
Arjun: yes
Karn: actually I also wanted to say this to you( Arjun looks at him) don't look like that I also thought it's useless to fight with you there would be no profit and I personally think to show yourself geart doesn't mean to show others low and also you're a great archer
Arjun (smiles): thanks and not only me you too infact I also thought to learn from you afterall the great pashuram thought you
Karn: don't worry you are well trained and also each archer have different different skills.
After some time both comes outside and sees all of them talking and laughing happily.
Draupadi(sees Arjun): Arya you came
Arjun:( comes to her) what is going here Madhav you all are chilling
Krishna: so what we came here to relax only na parth
Satya: what happened inside
Arjun: always so excited.
Everyone laughs.
Draupadi: I know you both are friends now right
Vrushali: really they are ?
Arjun and karn looks them both.
Krishna: don't worry you both don't you know wives are better half they knows every thought of them.

So what you think is the rivalry between Arjun and karn?
Will the love between Arjun and Draupadi take its true way?

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