Part 12

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Arjun was standing near the river waiting for karn.

Arjun pov.
Today anagraj no.. bhrata karn will know about his real identity. I know after knowing the truth he will surely not react like me, but I don't want him to think any bad thing about mata.
I surely don't know how will he react but one thing I know is he will be broken today. But as a small brother and a good friend I can share his pain, his anger. But will he understand the situation will he come to us
No why will he, he has given his life for bhrata duryodhan for the person who is just thinking of himself who had made me and my mother alone.
I have been hiding my pain from everyone that I am not upset, not sad but I am. My brother's had left me, years ago my father left me and also krishnaa  to had left me. Life had taken all my precious things from me. But still with my mata and Draupadi been with me I am happy. If angraj, bhrata karn will not there for mata then I will be there. But from my side I will try my best to make him back in Mata's life our life and complete our family which was broken by bhrata duryodhan.
Pov ends.

He was wondering why karn had not came. And thought that he will not come but then he sees karn coming to him.
Karn stands before him.
Karn: what happened Arjun what you want to talk me
Arjun: (looks at him) I have to say something really important to you, which is related to your past not only yours but mine to.
{Note: here karn knows that he was adopted child of radha and adhiratha}
Arjun: I don't know if you know or don't know but with whom you leave, they aren't your real parents
Karn: I know it Arjun and really it doesn't matter to me because they had really brought me up as their own child not like the one who just leaved me after my birth.
Arjun:(tightens his fist) see you don't have any right to say anything to your real mother.
Karn: I have because she is my mother. I really don't know if she didn't want my why did she gave birth to me. And Arjun  I didn't came here to listen this because I have moved on from my past and I really think my past doesn't have any link with my future
Arjun: you have to listen because your past is releted to your future not only yours but mine to.
Karn:(confused) how
Arjun: the mother about whom you're talking like this, whom you don't like is none other than my mata
Karn was shocked his face was showing his emotions which were running inside him.
Arjun: I really don't know if you'll able to forgive mata or not but for me she can never be wrong. It's really your choice if you want to forgive her or not. But she needs us both. Already she had suffered very much.
Karn: what she has suffered Arjun
Arjun: I don't know if you'll understand or not but mata is been always sad since by brothers left. It's just some days but she is always sad so think she had leaved without you for so many years so it's obvious she will be sad for a mother leaving with her child is difficult. Despite you she lost my father ,maata madri and also my brother's.
Karn: have you came here to give me explanation Arjun.
Arjun: I know mata should have came here but she was busy in her work and also she is afraid to face you
Karn: so what you want me to do to leave my parents for the one who had abounded me
Arjun:(controlling himself) I don't know if you want to come or not but pls I request don't blame mata for your situation and think about this once you get normal.
He turns.
Karn: wasn't it difficult for you to accept me
Arjun:(turns) no really if this secret would have been revealed to me some days before when we were not in good terms. It would have been hard but not now because I realised nor mata was responsible nor anyone just the situation. And I have learnt to cope up with this type of situation.
I suggest you that you should give one chance to mata to us before it's too late. And I don't know if you consider me as your brother but I do.
Then Arjun goes.

Karn comes to his house.
Vrushali comes to him. She sees that he was lost somewhere.
Vrushali: Arya what happened.
Karn sits down. She sits beside him.
Karn:(looks her) Vrushali I don't what should I feel happy, angry or sad. My life has changed today. I got my real mother, my brother today but how can I leave my parents who had always there with me. I don't know what to do
Vrushali: what are u saying? Did they really came. But why now
Karn: don't know why they want me to come to them now. But how can I go
Vrushali: Arya I think there must be an reason so they had came. But who are they?
Karn: mata kunti and Arjun I can't go to them but after knowing the truth I don't even want to be away from them
Vrushali: Arya if you want you can go no one is stopping. And I know radha ma loves you but she always wished that you get your real parents back. Both will very happy after knowing that you're the son of Rani ma kunti
Karn: but radha ma can't leave without me
Vrushali: Arya will not she be happy if you're happy
Karn: but I am myself confused that I am I happy or sad.
Vrushali: there's no need to be sad you got your mother back and also Arjun is your small brother. You should be happy and accept the reality.
He looks at her.

Arjun was sitting in his chamber when his wife enters.
Draupadi sees him. He was lost in thoughts. She came near him and put her hand on his shoulder.
Draupadi: Arya
Arjun sees her and hugs her from waist.
Draupadi: what happened? Did angraj said something.
Arjun: no Draupadi he didn't but I am relieved that atleast I told him the truth. But I don't know if he will understand our situation. What we want.
Draupadi:(smiles) you said the truth na it's ok then now we should give him time to understand. Surely he will realise and will came. Time has the power to heal any wound.
Arjun: yes you're saying true and who can know it better than me.
Draupadi: I guess bhrata karn will understand and if he will not then Govind will surely help us to pacify him.
Arjun: I wish he understands himself only.
He then gets up.
Arjun: so how was your visit?
Draupadi: it was ok only
Arjun: what does ok only mean?
Draupadi: I don't know but one saint was continuosly saying that my birth has an purpose I am born to complete something , do you understand
Arjun: I think the saint must have misunderstood
Draupadi: firstly I also thought the same but he told me twice
Arjun: leave it na anyway if it matters we will know in future.
Draupadi: yes, I forgot only Govind was searching you, you should go and meet him.
Arjun: you also come
Draupadi: no I have work.
Arjun: ok.
He goes.

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