Part 9

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Arjun was walking with Draupadi.
Draupadi sees a mango tree. She firsts sees arjun and then the tree.
Draupadi: I am hungry
Draupadi: I am hungry
Arjun: so wait na we will reach
Draupadi:(holds his hand and points toward tree) see what is there
Arjun: tree  Draupadi are your eyes ok
Draupadi: I said I want mango
And drags him with her.
He was just staring her.
Draupadi: see na this mangoes are looking so delicious
Arjun (without realising): yaa
Draupadi sees him and shakes her head in disappointment and then takes a deep breath.
Draupadi:(shakes him) can't you see I want the mangoes pls get me those.
Arjun: ok
Arjun : wait but I can't climb tree and don't want to waste my arrows so how will I get you those delicious mangoes
Draupadi:umm.. idea see that stick
Arjun smiles at her.
Draupadi takes the stick and jumps to hit it with stick.
Arjun sees that she was trying hard to take the mango so goes near her.
Draupadi sees him and forwards stick. But instead of taking the stick he picks her.
Draupadi:(shockingly) what are you doing?
Arjun: (ignoring the question)see Draupadi that one it looks big and delicious.
Draupadi takes the mangoes.
Arjun slowly puts her down and both looks at each-other.
Both were lost in each-other when a wind blows and Draupadi comes near him.
Draupadi: ah...I ..I think..we should go now
Arjun: ok.
Takes the mangoes in his hand leaving only one in her hand.
Draupadi's cheeks become red.
Arjun sits on a rock.
Arjun: Draupadi eat na
Draupadi: yaa
Draupadi she was eating the mango.
Arjun: wow, my mango is very delicious
Draupadi:no my is more delicious
Arjun: oh let me see
Draupadi: than let me also taste
Both eats each-other.
Draupadi: no this one is not much sweet
Arjun: ya true yours very much sweet
Draupadi: give me other one na
Arjun: no
Arjun: no. Means no one is enough
Draupadi: so you'll eat the other one's alone very bad can't even care of me
Arjun: really
She nods.
Arjun:( stands)stand up
Draupadi: (stands) what
Arjun pulls her closer to him.
Draupadi: what... are you... doing?
Arjun: shh...
Arjun comes closer to her.
Her heartbeat were raising high she closed her eyes instantly.
Arjun(comes near ears): woah... The remaining mangoes are spoiled ones.
Draupadi opens her eyes.
Arjun: (stands back at position and smiles at her situation) come fast we have to back also
But she was just standing do he takes her hand in his and goes.

Arjun: Draupadi what happened why are staring me
Draupadi: what were you trying to do?
Arjun: what?
Draupadi: very well I can understand
Arjun: can you pls tell me what are you understanding
Draupadi: (turns her face away) why are we not reaching palace
Arjun: because we aren't going palace
Draupadi:so were are we going
Arjun: to the shiv mandir it's just few minutes away
Draupadi: but why
Arjun: because Madhav told that he wants to talk us..
Draupadi: so we should have come early only why did you wasted time.
Arjun: really me.. oh god ok let's silently go there.
Draupadi: ok
Both reaches the temple but noone was there.
Draupadi: where is Govind.
Arjun:let's take blessings than till time they will come
Both goes inside.(chalo kuch flimy karte hai)
When Arjun and Draupadi comes inside one brahmin was also present there.
Brahmin gives a plate to Draupadi.
And she does the pooja and was about to give the arati to Arjun when her legs slips but Arjun holds her and the sindoor falls on her face.
Arjun: are you ok
Draupadi: yes
Arjun takes her pallu and cleans her face and sindoor applies on her hairline.
Arjun: you should walk properly na, now only you would have fallen
Draupadi: shh. Stop now it was accident and don't worry you saved me na
Both takes blessings from the Brahmin.
Brahmin: always stay together, really seeing you both I can definitely say that you're made for each-other but still many difficulties will come in your path so you should face them together and not leave eachother's hand
Saying this the Brahmin goes outside.
Arjun:what was the Brahmin saying
Draupadi:(sees him) don't know I don't understand this types of riddles
Arjun: leave it we should go out they must have come till now.
How about the flimy twist?
Do you guys want to see more flimy twist?
At last will ardi understand the true meaning of love?

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