Part - 13 (whom will karn choose)

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Arjun pov.
Wondering here and there I was thinking about my life. I am so happy that after years mata got her child or to say my brother. I would be also happy if he agrees to meet mata. And forgives her.
Sitting on the couch I was looking at my beautiful wife doing some work.
The best gift what I got till now. I am happy that she is connecting with me. Today she shared her day's experience with me. I was so happy hearing her. And most happy because she is sharing her thoughts and her memories with me. In true sense she is becoming my wife. I am loving her more day by day now. Now I just wish that I could keep her happy.
I come near the bed and patted her forehead.
Then I remembered what she told me.
Ya she was saying something about rebirth.
But after meeting that Brahmins she was tensed. But I can't see her sad.
I quickly move towards her.
I called her. She turned towards me.
Pov ends.

Arjun: Draupadi what are you doing?
Draupadi: work
Arjun makes her sit on the couch
Arjun: how much work you have to do
Draupadi: but..
Arjun: shhh....
Arjun: ok I thought that I will tell you my childhood story but if you want to do work then you can...
Draupadi looks at the clothes and then at him. Draupadi: ok tell

Arjun: ok so this incident was when I visited to kunti Bhuj with mata. I was wondering here and there and then I came near pond. And then I was sitting there. When someone came running towards me I stood but due to sudden situation I.....
Draupadi: And you fell in water. And one frog sat on your head.
She said it and started laughing.
Arjun looks her.
Arjun: (slowly) but how did you know.
But then he looks at her face and forgets everything and just looks her.

Next day
Arjun was asusual practicing. When yesterday night's thoughts comes in his mind.
He stops.
Arjun: but how did she knew it, this story was only known by me and....
One soldier enters there.
Soldier: rajkumar Arjun mahamahim Bheeshma wants to meet you
Arjun: ok tell him I will meet him
That soldier lives from there.
And Arjun comes to his chamber.

After some time he gets freshen up and was about to move towards Bheeshma chamber when Draupadi comes with a glass of milk.
Draupadi: where are you going?
Arjun:  to meet pitamah
Draupadi: oh but firstly finish this mata told me to give it to you and carefully watch if you finish it or not
Arjun: Draupadi I'm getting late.
She blocks him.
And forwards the milk.
He takes it and drinks it but then his mouth got filled with it.
Draupadi looks at him and smiles.
Draupadi: is it the way to drink
Arjun: what
She takes her pallu and wipes his mouth.
Draupadi: truly you're a child made your whole mouthe dirty
Arjun: (holds her) I made it so that my wife wipes it.
She blushes. He lives her
Arjun: ok then I will meet you later.
Draupadi: wait...wait
She ties a dhaagaa to him.
Draupadi: it's rakhsha mouli so don't take it out.
Arjun: ok
Then he goes.

Karn pov.
Sitting alone now gives me peace. In this two days my life had totally changed. From childhood I thought that my mother doesn't love and abdonded me. But when I saw mata kunti for first time in Hastinapur from that only I felt a connection and now I got to know that she is my mother.
And Arjun whom I considered as my greatest enemy is my little brother. And Pandavas are my brother and I killed them.
I was feeling like a heartless person who tried to kill his own brother's and mother. Now I am feeling like I am a mad person who thought that duryodhan really thinks me as a friend no he doesn't if he tries to kill his own brother's and mother like figure for becoming king.
But now I have choosen with whom I have trust and whom not. I will rectify my mistake and become a son for my mother and a big brother for Arjun.
Pov ends.

Arjun was talking with Bheeshma.
Bheeshma: Arjun I am tensed for the future of Hastinapur.
Arjun: pitamah don't worry till date I'm here I will not let anything bad happen.
Bheeshma: I know it Arjun but I and vidhur has decided something
Arjun looks him
Bheeshma: if your brother was alive today then definitely he would be the king of Hastinapur and would have been the best king but (he stops and takes deep breath) I think destiny didn't want it. You know Arjun when you came to Hastinapur at that time you're so silent. And I saw pandu's reflection in you and cared for you because I loved you as I loved pandu and soon you started to talk with me and when one day I was going to the Brahmins portage, that day one brahmin told me that you will surely not a king but will you'll lead a city. And so I have decided to separate the city
Arjun who was listening to him and remembering his days got shocked to listen the  word separate. He was shocked because his grandfather was the one who wanted everytime together.
Bheeshma: Arjun don't be shocked till today I didn't say anything because I thought that one day duryodhan will understand his responsibilities but no he can't he proved me wrong. I always thought that duryodhan is doing all this because of jealousy but in this jealousy he snatched my 4 sons from me. And also after his yurajabhisek he is behaving so wrong with the people and they have complained me about them.

Arjun: I think you're right pitamah.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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