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*Chris has added 22 people to the chat*

*Chris left the chat*

Noah: wth is this

Bridgette: Hi Noah!

Gwen: plz end my suffering

Courtney: Gladly <3.

Heather: get stepped on gothy

Gwen: it's been 2 years since the show and you still haven't improved yourself. what a shame.

Cody: hey gwenn

Gwen: no.

Noah: Yikes, that's rough buddy.

Cody: :(

Izzy: n o c o ?

Noah: what is noco-


Noah: tldr

DJ: Can we all just get along? 🥺

Ezekiel: YO DAW-

*Heather removed Ezekiel from the chat.*

Heather: 🤚 bye

Duncan: whats this

Courtney: A group chat Chris made.

Duncan: princess!

*Courtney left the chat*

*Heather added Courtney to the chat*

*Courtney left the chat*

*Heather added Courtney to the chat*

*Courtney left the chat*

*Bridgette added Courtney to the chat*

Courtney: fine!

Noah: if I have to suffer so do you.

Courtney: 😔

Lindsay: hai gays!


Beth: lind- nevermind....

Alejandro: Hola amigas 💖

Heather: gag me

Alejandro: Still denying your love for me heather? Or should I pull up the messages you sent me yesterday?


Courtney: I'm listening

Duncan: get exposed 😏

Gwen: lol

Courtney: Shut up Gwendolyn.

Gwen: why are you still mad at me?

Courtney: Because I am allowed to be.

Heather: in translation: because your just that unlikeable <3

Gwen: shut up baldy

Heather: boyfriend kisser

Gwen: pit breathe

Heather: itty bitty titties

Trent: Guys stop-

Noah: Duncan started all of this anyways.

Duncan: can it stick arms

Noah: original comeback.

Cody: I'm gonna log off- goodnight everyone!

Noah: night gap :)

Izzy: NOCO





Noah: WE ARE F R I E N D S

Heather: potentially more

Noah: chums

Courtney: star crossed lovers

Noah: pals

Sierra: ugh can we talk about something else, like CODIERRA!? :D

Geoff: or........ duncney?

Courtney: Pardon?


Courtney: Bye

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Courtney: Bye

Duncan: 😏 the girl cant get enough of me

Courtney: On the contrary I have HAD ENOUGH of you.

Duncan: ouch-

Bridgette: guys, its 4:36 am...

Courtney: You're right, goodnight.

Geoff: cya dudes!

𝚃𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙶𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝Where stories live. Discover now