Hes just ken 😔

731 13 2

Geoff: dudes

Courtney: What did I say about reviving the chat.

Geoff: I watched the Barbie movie w bridge

Duncan: whats with your decent grammar

Bridgette: Turned on autocorrect for him :)

Duncan: sounds right

Geoff: im so moved bro

Geoff: i cried

DJ: Whoah.

DJ: that good huh?

Geoff: that good bro.

Heather; it was mid

Bridgette: don't speak heather


Geoff: I'm just Ken

Duncan: anywhere else ID be a 10 😔

Courtney: We are not doing this again. This is your warning.

Geoff: ur no fun

Duncan: right like lighten up

Courtney removed Duncan from the chat.

Courtney: 🥰

Geoff: ooooh


Geoff: heart emoji

Courtney: It's sarcasm.

Cody: that's what they all say

Courtney: Ok honestly shut up Cody.

Noah: Aggression much?

Courtney: Like you're not the same way.

Noah: Only when it's necessary. Cody didn't do anything.

Courtney: He inserted himself where he didn't belong.

Geoff; that's what she said

Noah: That's the time to say shut up^

Cody: Noah why r u ignoring my texts :(

Noah: How do you want me to reply to that?

Cody: idk something

Owen: reply to wut :0

2 people went offline.

Geoff; sus

Bridgette: Geoff no more sus

Geoff: 🤨 sus?

Bridgette: sigh

Heather: you did not just type out a sigh

Bridgette: I've seen people do it

Gwen: ironically bridge

Bridgette: oh

DJ: is it my destiny to live and die a life of blonde fragility

Geoff; too late deej

DJ: Aw man

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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