Duncan needs hydration

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Duncan: Courtney blocked my number. Again.

Heather: K

Heather: Anyway

Bridgette: Heather.

Bridgette: listen duncan

Bridgette: I'm sorry but she's valid for that

Alejandro: You must treat her with respect Duncan. Otherwise, she will continue to avoid you. You can not base your entire relationship on hate.

Duncan: Says you

Alejandro: Correction, heather grew to show real affection to me off camera.

Heather: Grew=past tense

Leshawna: yo girls, you do realize y'all don't need a man right? You can thrive without one just fine

Bridgette: Good point there too^


Bridgette: Geoff not you baby

Geoff: LOL OK

Beth: right?

Izzy: men r gross

Eva: pigs

Noah: Men, am I right ladies?


Gwen: Leshawna has a point

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Gwen: Leshawna has a point. Some of you bounce from guy to guy it's pointless

Heather: I smell

Heather: hypocrite?



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Gwen: Courtney did it too! And it wasn't just me, DUNCAN CHEATED

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Gwen: Courtney did it too! And it wasn't just me, DUNCAN CHEATED. I SHOULDNT BE THE ONLY ONE BLAMED

Courtney: .....

Courtney: Wait, I guess that is true.

Gwen: thank

Gwen: wait rlly?

Courtney: Yes.

Gwen: ...... your not blaming just me anymore?

Courtney: No, I'm sorry I ever did :( it's not your fault duncan is dehydrated

Duncan: what?

Noah: She means your thirsty.

Duncan: Yeah right. u girls were all over ME.

Heather: Right

Courtney: ^

Gwen: ^^

Cody: dude, you went for heather, Courtney, AND GWEN first.

Cody: and ur right Gwen I'm sorry u got all the blame :(

Gwen: thanks. :)

Cody: Trent apologize too

Trent: for what

Cody: r u Fr

Trent: No what are we talking about

Noah: The messages are literally right there, you can scroll up.

Lindsay: boyz r soooo boring anywyz


Tyler: Lindsay we've been dat-

𝚃𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙶𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝Where stories live. Discover now