Dawn exposes pt 2

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Scott: run

Scott: hide your children

Heather: Who made this chat, when, where, and why

Courtney: And what

Noah: Dang we pulled out all 5 Ws

Dawn: Hello



Courtney: That isn't even-

Duncan: dont even try

Dawn: The next person to speak will be chosen

Heather: oh heck no I'm having no part of this knockoff cast crap

Dawn: Heather has a very serious insecurity and is afraid of committing to a relationship in fear that she will drive them away


Heather: GET HER OUT

Scott: I TOLD U

Dawn: Alejandro is also quite afraid of hurting the woman he loves, and though it is not my business to say the name, as he has the option to reveal it or not, I will say she does return his love more than he believes she does

Heather: who is it

Alejandro: Heather

Alejandro: De veras?

Heather: don't use ur fancy language on me

Heather: who is it

Alejandro: Jeather

Alejandro: Mi amor

Courtney: *Heather*

Courtney: WAIT NO STOP.

Dawn: Courtney still holds onto strong feelings for someone she once had a bond to, but is afraid of becoming weak and vulnerable yet again

Dawn: Oh and her lock screen is heather




Gwen: Awkward

Dawn: Gwen is quite attached to a friend of hers, she thinks about them often and feels alone when they are not together

Gwen: Well at least she isn't saying names

Dawn: I have no intention of outing sexualities or names

Noah: Wow

Cody: someone drinks her respect juice

Anne Maria: what the heck is this

Dawn: Anne Maria is very desperate to find someone to attach themselves to her, because she deep down feels very insecure and lonely and admires zoeys ability to make friends

Zoey: Aww....

Anne Maria: THAS NOT TRU

DJ: what about me?

Dawn: You are a very pure soul, you see the best in others and strive to give them the happiest lives you can

DJ: :D

Dawn is typing.....

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