A new addition

807 15 34

Owen added Jose to the chat


Alejandro is typing....

Jose: Hola. ~

Alejandro: idiota

Jose: burro

Courtney: I love that I understand Spanish for this.

Heather: omfg no

Jose: Ah, Heather. Fancy seeing you here.

Heather left the chat

Alejandro left the chat

Cody: oh hi!

Jose: Hola.

Noah: gross

Noah left the chat

Owen: :D

Duncan: good one owen you did well

Owen: Ty my good man

Geoff: LMAO

Leshawna: Who even is that?

Jose: I am Alejandro's brother.

Leshawna: oh

Leshawna: ohhhhhh

Leshawna: Hello. :)



Jose: Ok, then.

Chef: oh heck nah

Chef left the chat


Duncan added Chef to the chat

Chef left the chat

Duncan added chef to the chat

Chef left the chat

Duncan added chef to the chat

Chef blocked Duncan

Chef left the chat

Duncan: remove him Owen

Owen: but

Courtney: Just do it.

Owen: :(

Cody removed Jose from the chat

Courtney: Good job Cody

Cody: :D

Cody added heather to the chat

Cody added Alejandro to the chat

Cody added Noah to the chat

Noah: nice one gap

Izzy is typing....

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