What now?

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Sorry I made another chat fic so like not to self promote lololol but uh

If ya like shera I made a chatfic for it-

Yeah anyway

Cody: so

Izzy: sooooo

Cody: this chat died

Izzy: Indupitably

Cody:.........you feeling ok Izzy?

Izzy: Never better.

Cody: Where is everyone

Cody: hello?

Cody: guys cmon I need friends :(

Cody: Answer

Cody: earth to chat dwellers


Gwen: Stop


Gwen: Gtg

Cody: ugh guys cmon :(

Noah: The chat is unnecessary

Heather: ^

Cody: But I miss you guys

Cody: My life has been so boring lately

Izzy: k


Owen: srry buddy :(

Noah: just go make friends ig?

Cody: you guys are my only friends

Noah: ouch

Cody: please just talk for a bit

Noah: I can call you but I'm reading so don't be obnoxious.

Cody: DEAL

Izzy: my work here is done

Heather: anyway

Heather: I found something


Izzy: you can see the real pain in his eyes

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Izzy: you can see the real pain in his eyes

Duncan: it shocked me it didn't hurt me idiots

Heather: good one, a real zinger

Courtney: No he completely knocked your block off. How's it feel tough guy?

Duncan: ugh I'm out

Courtney: Better be before I'm done counting


Courtney: :)

Izzy: I have an idea

Izzy: Is anyone gonna ask what it is

Geoff: I will

Geoff: wut is it

Izzy: you'll see

Geoff: BRU-

Izzy added people to the chat*

Izzy: hi

Marinette: what

Izzy: what

Marinette; what is this

Izzy: a chat

Adrien: Wait who are you and how do you have my number

Izzy: I got it when I looked over at ur phone on the subway

Adrien: wha-

*Izzy removed new people from the chat*

Izzy: so much for new drama

Geoff: who were those dudes

Izzy: o I met them when I was hiding from the government in France

Izzy: they were so weird

Bridgette:....... Ok-

Justin: Have no fear ladies and gentlemen

Justin: I'm back

Justin: is ANYONE happy to see me?



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Gwen: what is that Cody

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Gwen: what is that Cody

Cody: A reminder of love to get people to become active on the chat again

Izzy: people here don't respond to love

Izzy: they respond to one thing

Izzy: but u gotta spell it out like with dogs

Izzy: m

Izzy: o

Izzy: n

Izzy: e

Izzy: y

*### people became active*

Cody: RUN

𝚃𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙶𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝Where stories live. Discover now