You need to remember

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When you and bucky got to your room You hugged bucky and to your surprise he hugged you back " Bucky do you remember me" you asked as he still held you close to him " Y/n how could i forget you" Bucky had said to you " Your name is James Buchanan Barnes i need you to remember ok" You told him with tears in your eyes " You can't forget me , they can't do that to you again" You said crying into Bucky's arms.

" I'm not going to forget you Doll don't worry" Bucky had said, You didn't even know bucky for two days and he had helped you escape from this reality, from all the hunting people and the training he had helped you through it. Not even your dad care he just saw you as a weapon, another play thing used to hurt people.

You were the only one that knew about your own powers it helped you with mission that's what made you the top of your class. " Y/n, Soldier we have another mission for you both" One of the Hydra Agents said as they left the the door open and you and him walked out to meet your dad.

On the Mission

You both were helping fight the avengers when a girl with red hair that looked like she had the same powers as you but yours were Blue and her's were Red and when you used them on each other they made a purple out shine light he fell back and you ran too her.

" I'm sorry I don't want to do this Dad's making me and - " I felt a burning sensation in my mind and then i saw nothing but blackness.

" Tony she's just a kid" some voice had said too who i assumed was Tony " She has the same powers as me maybe she could help us" the girl from earlier said

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