How do you know that name?

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Y/n's POV
I opened my eyes too see a bunch of people standing over and around me " Where am I" I thought to myself as I tried to move my hands but couldn't. " Dad is going to kill me" I had said to myself as I tried to get the ropes that were on my hands off. They guy with blonde hair who was my so called "mission" noticed this " hey, hey, hey calm down we're not going to hurt you" he had said looking at you with sympathy, but the other guy beside him with brown hair did not. "We just want to talk ok... what's your name" he asked but you said nothing your father had taught you that give any information to others could ruin there plan for everything so you stayed silent.

"Rogers she's not going to give you any information let's just get rid of her" the guy with brown hair brought out a laser type of thing and as it charged up it slipped out " Bucky...I have to find him" Steve had heard what you said and pushed the mans blaster or whatever it was down and your eyes stayed shut " How do you know that name" Steve asked you and you looked up " he's my...friend" you said in a quiet tone knowing that your dad was going to kill you.

Normal POV
" YOU DID WHAT NOW SOLDIER" Pierce said yelling at Bucky and Bucky looked to the ground, pierce look also at the ground and rubbed his face " tell me what happened" Bucky looked up at him " We were all fighting like we were supposed to and the next thing I knew she was on the ground. I tried to run over to her but that's when the target got to her first" Bucky had explained to him, pierce looked at Bucky with a glare, " Find her" is all he said as he walked out of the room " don't worry doll I will find you"

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