System Breach

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Rogers showed you back to a cell that looked so much similar to your room back at the base , but we still had the better room. " if you need anything just push this button and it will call me" y/n nodded her head and looked at the ground " hey kid what did they do to him" you looked up from the ground at Rogers and tears started to form into your eyes. You weren't going to let him see you like this, you wiped away the remaining tears before they left your eyes " you don't want to know" and with that he walked out and shut the door behind him, you were left in the room by yourself...alone.

Bucky's POV
It had been 1 day with y/n missing and Pierce hadn't been any better to me with her gone in fact with her he was more lenient. But out of all the running around trying to find her as a "mission" I missed her, I missed her smile and the way she would comfort me when I had nightmares or even with she would call me by my name when no one was around I just missed her all together... you could even say I loved her. " soldier we found her location" pierce had said as he opened the door of the jet on top of avengers tower.

Y/n's POV
As I sat in this boring room doing nothing but look at the boring wall on the boring bed I saw all the lighting in the cell had turned on flashing red " System breach" was blaring over the radio thing and with that you covered your ears and in came running Rogers, he grabbed my hand and the next thing I knew we were running down a hallway.

I held on to Rogers for dear life as he practically dragged me with him as he ran. A crash came from the main room and there he stood Buck, he found me, I didn't want him to hurt Rogers and frankly Rogers looked like he was ready to attack so I stepped in front of the to of them " Buck it's ok He's not trying to hurt me" he slowly approached me and took my hand.

I pulled him in for a hug which he accepted but then broke the silence " I'm really sorry doll I can't stop them" " what do you me-" and with that he put a sedative in your neck as you slowly fell asleep in his arms and laid you down softly.

Hey y'all it's been a long time but I'm hoping to get back into this and other stories but I hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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