Conversing With The daughter Of Satan

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I tried to get up but I couldn't use my left leg, and my left arm was almost totally numb. Suddenly the dragon lifted its head and glanced at me. but just as quickly turned around like it never even saw me.

"Are you... ignoring me?"

The dragon let out a puff of steam from its nose.

"Shut up human."

I clenched my jaw, trying to prop myself up.

"I'm not a f*cking human."

The dragon turned its head back towards me.

"You should stop moving, you're going to open your wounds. And it was already hard maintaining a human form long enough to bandage you. I don't have enough power right now to maintain a human form again."

"What do you care? Are you going to eat me?"

"No, I see no honor in killing someone who spared me life."

I raised an eyebrow. I've had to listen to Lucifer's nonsensical rambling for thousands of years, and frankly, I can't believe this is his daughter. I picked up a pebble and tossed it at the dragon.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Isn't it rude to ask for a name before introducing yourself?"

"Ah, fine. I'm Reath."

"No last name?"

"Nope, just Reath."

"How comical."

"How so?"

"In demon tongue Reath means reaper and death, your parents must have hated you."

"OR, my parents just didn't speak demon."

"I grinned a little. Maybe a should toy with her for a bit."

"So, how did you learn the demon tongue, you're a dragon after all?"

She flinched, realizing her mistake.

"Mind your own damn business. You shouldn't be so impudent, I saved you."

"Oh? And here I thought Lucifer taught you not to be so rude."

The dragon swung its head at me, getting right in my face.


"You heard me."

Steam started rolling from the dragons mouth.


"Ah, calm down before you blow this cave to bits."

"How do you know him? Are you one of his servants?"

"F*ck no, I wouldn't be his servant even if he had a sword at my throat. I was a prisoner of hell, but your father showed me mercy and reincarnated me as a thorn fox."

She seamed to sizzle down a little bit.

"That asshole always breaks the rules."

She set her head back down and the steam stopped.

"You know, if I killed you right now the gods would probably thank me for sending a sinner like you back to hell."

A grin grew on my face.

"But you won't."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Because your curious. After all, why would Lucifer, the great and mighty ruler of hell, take pity on one worthless mortal soul?"

"I assume you won't tell me?"

"Yep, I ain't gonna say shit."

"How do you know I wont just try to torture the answer out of you?"

"You can try, plenty have tried to kill me, only to have their corpse at my feet."

The dragon raised its left hand, revealing razor sharp talons.

"I'd be willing to try."

"I don't think either of us are in any condition to be fighting, after all, I did a number on your back and wings."

"Well, you don't look that great either, your covered in blood."

"Heh, yeah. You know you still never told me your name, right?"

"My name... its Astaroth."

"Ah, one of the dukes of hell, right? Well, actually, since you're a woman I assume that makes you a duchess."


"But you know, Astaroth is a long name, how about I just call you Austy?"

"That sounds nothing like Astaroth."

"Heh, you sound annoyed."

"Very. Don't even think about calling me that."

I stuck my tongue out.

"Okay Austy."

She gave a huff, sounding pissed.

"Is it really necessary for you to annoy me?"

"Yeah, well, I kinda have a bit of a grudge against Lucifer. You know, torturing me for thousands of years and all that. And despite how he may act, during those thousands of years, he talked about you a lot. So, figured it would piss him off if I bothered you."

"What exactly did he tell you about me?"

"You sure you want to hear? He DID show me his "photo album" of you."

She shivered a little bit.

"You mean that f*cking book full of creeper pictures he took of me?"

"Yep, that's the one."

"Did you see the... erm... thing?"

"If you're referring to the picture of you beating the shit out of Hitler while put nails through his balls and a four-foot-tall midget hyped up on meth up his ass, yes, I saw that."

She covered her face with her giant dragon hands.

"How humiliating."

"Actually, I thought it look pretty funny."

"Then you have twisted sense of humor."

"Yeah, I know. But something I am very curious about, is why you rebelled against him."

"You don't know? It's not like it's a secret or anything. I wanted the throne of hell."

"Oh? You wanted the throne of your father?"

"You wouldn't understand, you don't know what its like to have an overbearing obnoxious father to deal with for eons."

"Yikes, just imagining have Lucifer as a dad hurts my head, I actually feel a little bad for you. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up on annoying you and pissing off Lucifer. I just need to think of the perfect thing to piss him off."

"How egoistic."

"So, where do we go from here? Do you have any food?"

"We don't need food as long as we stay in this cave. This cave has thousands of mana stones and old monster cores in the walls, radiating magic, it's basically like its giving us nutrition through an IV tube."

"Then how long until we can leave this cave?"

"Who knows? Me and you are both pretty heavily injured, it'll take around twelve days, maybe more."

"Great, then that's a few days I get to annoy you."

She let out a sigh, like she was preparing for the worst.

"This is going to be a long twelve days."

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