Arc 0 Chapter 1: The beta starts! Time to discover the game

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August 3rd, 2022, 15h00 (3:00 p.m.), Floor 1, Town of Beginning, Day 3 of the beta phase:

Luckau (Jean-Luc): *Impatient checking his clock* Tic, tac, tourne l'heure come on! What is he doing ?! It's not complicated to create an avatar! Argh...

He heard finally a teleport sound and it was him.

*Sound of teleportation spawning* *The conversation is in French*

Luckau (Jean-Luc): You are late Chris, 30 minutes!!!

Chris: Désolé J-L, but I wanted an avatar that didn't look like me at all, you know very well that I want to be discreet. I don't wanna cross another degenerated fan or some jackasses.

Luckau (Jean-Luc): Ouais, sûrement bref, your avatar doesn't like you IRL, so you will have no issue with that. Anyway, call me Luckau when we are in the game.

Chris: Ok Luckau.

Luckau: *Pointing in a direction* First of all, I come with you to the weapons shop, you need to choose a starting weapon.

Chris: Ok let's go!

The twos now walking in the direction of the merchant's weapons...

The twos now walking in the direction of the merchant's weapons

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15h05 (3:05 p.m.), Floor 1, Town of Beginning Merchant District:

They now arrive at the weapons shop and Chris is amazed at the wide choice he has to choose a weapon

They now arrive at the weapons shop and Chris is amazed at the wide choice he has to choose a weapon

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Chris: 🙀 Ohhhhh ah ouais quand même. *Intrigued* Can you help me to pick a weapon?

Luckau: Bien sûr, but before jingle!

Chris: Quoi?!

Luckau: *Snaps his fingers* 🎶 It's time for some SAO lessons NOW! 🎶

Chris: O_o Pardon?

Luckau: Alors you need to keep in mind that there 3 types of main damage: Slash, Thrust, and Blunt.

And 6 elemental damages: Wind, Dark, Light, Earth, Fire, and Water.

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