Chapter 5.5: The 1st E.I.S. Team in movement

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19th Novemver 2022, 12h30 (12:30 p.m.), Floor 2, Floor 2 Labyrinth Boss room:

), Floor 2, Floor 2 Labyrinth Boss room:

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*Boss fainted* *fragment burst*

Luckau, Kirito, and Asuna finished beating again King Taurus and his allies after receiving an emergency message coming from Argo.

Luckau: *Troubled* I don't like this at all, like yesterday evening with the first-floor boss, now it's him who respawns.

Kirito: But normally, you and your mates coded which when we beat the boss it doesn't appear anymore right?

Luckau: Yep and no, not automatically, the labyrinth bosses should respawn only during some events scheduled by us later but not automatically every day.

Asuna: We should secure the room to avoid a casualty.

Luckau: You're right, Argo was back in the 1st Laby and the boss reappeared again...

Meanwhile on floor 3...

13h00 (1:00 p.m.), Floor 3, Wavering Mists Forest:

Chris and koharu are doing the search for the mushrooms as they accepted a bonus quest coming from Kizmel

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Chris and koharu are doing the search for the mushrooms as they accepted a bonus quest coming from Kizmel.

Koharu: *Pick another mushroom* Found another one here.

Chris: Find 3 others too.

Koharu: So that's in total 29 mushrooms collected.

Chris: We just need the last one and it's good, do you see where is it?

Koharu: Hum, nan I don't see it, I hope our friends are safe.

Chris: Me too, but they are really strong. The second-floor boss will be beaten again.

Koharu: Yeah... *Find the last one* Oh, I found it.

Chris: Parfait, we have everything that we need, alright, let's go back to Kizmel!

Suddenly the duo heard swords clashing each other.

Chris: *Hearing something* Do you hear that?

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