Chapter 1

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~ Wishful Reincarnation ~

''Huh...Didn't I just drown? Was it just a nightmare...''

I say while looking around my room, but there was something different and that was an obvious floating, androgynous, beautiful man? woman? right in front of my mirror checking themselves out, oh and their dark eyes just connected with my baby blues through the mirror, which made them turn around.

''Yes, you did drown, and if you call death like that a nightmare, then I suppose it was that too''

They finish saying and waiting for me to say something in return, at least that's what I imagine they are waiting for, might just be that they are bored or something, you never know with people. If you can even call them to be the same as 'people' since I am dead and they are here floating.

''Right... so... You got a name I could call you? Oh, and have you done something with my mentality? Because I ain't gonna lie, I am way too calm for this, seeing as I literally drowned just a few minutes ago, at least I think it was a few minutes''

I finish asking while mumbling quietly the last part, but they seem to have heard it.

''Oh, I got three names, which one do you want to hear?''

They ask me, while I am here, finally have moved from my laying position to sitting, while asking.

''What's the difference?''

''Simple. each one is for different gender, I suppose, one's for a man, a woman and what you see now and depending on the name you call me, I am going to shift into that gender, so which one is going to be?''

Well, that's not complicated whatsoever, but I guess this 'form' is fine since that's what I woke up to and I find it quite pleasing to look at.

''The one you are now''

''The name's Alani then, anyways, to answer your previous question, no I haven't done anything to you myself, it's the post-death effect, as we like to call it, for this place for after you die, nobody from the ones you call 'gods' would stand here for however long a person would go into a breakdown, whining, sobbing, etc after they die, so it practically instantly puts you in your best/calmest attitude so none of that would happen and waste everybody's time, not that time actually matters to us that much, so you could just say that nobody wants to deal with that shit''

They finish their statement and before I could fully sink it in, they continue.

''Oh and it wasn't a few minutes since you died, just a few hours, you know, for the post death effect to kick in, anyways, none of that matters now, you're dead, your past life is forfeit and you next is going to begin soon after we get everything in order, oh and before you ask, no, not everybody gets a so called 'second chance', a reincarnation, most of us just choose however we want to, you don't have to have done good deeds, or evil deeds, none of that matters to us, like come on, we literally create worlds, why would some killing matter to us when we can end it just as fast as we started a world, I swear some people, anyways, sorry for the little rant there, of course we do still have some criteria for whom or how we choose people to reincarnate, there's one of my best pals that chooses people only that have had sex with at least 100 people, and without any 'rape' since according to her, 'rape' isn't sex, it's a worthless trash act of preying upon others for nothing else than show of whatever useless power they have, she likes putting them in a world with heavy sexual themes that you know, use one of those 'have sex to power up' or 'my ability acitvates when kissing' you know? That's why we are such good 'friends' there's also what you people would call 'evil gods' since they literally only choose fucking monsters and give them some power only for it to end up as horrible as possible for them when they meet their pathetic demise, and so on''

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