Chapter 20

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~ The Storm before The Calm ~

Narrator POV:

The maid once again is looking at the sleeping Queen, but this time, she's thinking about the issue with the trolls, instead of waking her up...She shakes her head harshly and resumes her work.

"Wake up, Angel, wake up"

"Go away" Elsa mumbles trying to sleep.

"No can do, Angel. This new beautiful day awaits its Queen"

"Ugh... Fine, I am up" Elsa says getting up.

"Good, here today's food, I'll make the bath," Diana says and just goes to do what she said. Leaving Elsa confused, nonetheless, she goes to eat.

After several minutes Elsa doesn't hear from her maid, so she stops eating, stands up, and goes to the room which holds her moderate-sized bath, only to see the bath full, her maid day-dreaming, and the water overflowing.

"Diana" Elsa calls out to her, effectively snapping her out of her daze. Diana turns to face Elsa.

"Huh? What?"

"Uh... The water?" The Queen points at the bath.

The maid looks down and slightly jumps "Oh, oops, dozed off myself it seems, sorry, I will fix it soon"

"Right..." Elsa says thinking that's something isn't right.

"Diana, did one free day worsen your quality as a maid?" Elsa asks playfully, only to get a lackluster answer.


Now she knows that's something wrong, Diana would always try to for a snarky comeback.

"Okay, stop for a moment" Diana stops at the command confused "Is there something wrong?"

"No? Why ask me that?"

"Because, clearly, something is going on, that or you're getting bored of the job, is that what it is?"

"What? No, no, of course not, something like that is impossible, caus-"

"Yes, yes, because you work for me, I know, I've heard you tell me that multiple times before. Now, then, what's wrong?" Elsa stops her maid's ramblings and gets to the previous point.

"How'd you like your meal? Did you finish it?"

"Don't change the topic"

"I am not doing anything of the sort"

"What is wrong?" Elsa asks seriously having had enough of games.


"Answer me, with a proper answer"

"You really want to know?"


"Fine" Diana says, then looks straight at the Queen's eyes "I was thinking why we haven't talked about what happened between us back in the Ice Castle" Even if that's only one of the questions she has in her mind, it's not what has kept her from doing her job. But she has no idea how to breach this subject yet. What can she say? Oh, hey, you know the prince that tried to kill you? Well turns out he's a good guy and was controlled by the creatures that saved your sister, only to try and kill her again... She'll think that she's crazy, it's way too soon for that, it needs to settle down more.

Elsa opens her mouth to answer, only to catch up to the answer that her Maid gave her, closing it instantly, she turns around to walk away while throwing out "Why did I even ask..."

But Diana follows after her "It's great that you asked, you wanted to know and I'd really like to hear the answer"

"There's nothing to talk about"

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