Chapter 29

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~ Bloody happenings ~

Narrator POV:

At first, Elsa doesn't hear anything back from inside the room when she was done knocking on the door, so she repeated the notion with some more power put behind it.

The Ice Queen hears a weak "Come in" from inside the room. With granted permission, Elsa puts her hand on the handle and opens the room's door. She steps inside the significantly smaller room than her own and looks around the place, taking everything in as this is the first time she has been inside Diana's room.

But what she sees surprises the Arendelleian Queen.

She expected to see shining corners, clean sheets, and just in general a polished room, that's what Diana as a maid does for her after all.

Yet, the reality isn't even close to what Elsa thought it to be.

Diana's room is beyond messy, various dirty clothing pieces thrown around every untidy and trashy corner. Several unclean plates with mostly eaten food on the crowded table and several cups laying here and there.

Now, the room would look 'normal' to somebody from Diana's time, in fact, it's pretty clean in comparison to some. But to the Queen of Arendelle, Elsa, whose own room gets cleaned daily by Diana and other maids... It's just mindblowing, especially since Diana is a maid with excellent cleaning ability, so none of this is making any sense to Elsa.

It's pretty simple however, Diana's job, or at least one of its descriptions is to clean places... So she doesn't want to spend time doing that when she is supposed to 'relax' and not work, thus her place is not being cleaned, besides it's not like she spends all that much time inside the room. But yet again to the dutiful Disney Queen, the freshly learned knowledge is purely unthinkable.

While Elsa was in a shocked daze as she continued to investigate the room, she had forgotten about Diana which turned out to be a small mistake because when Diana, whose head was heavily implanted onto her pillow, didn't hear anybody answer her call outs, raised her head to see who entered her room, she jumped up from her bed as quickly as a surprised "E-Elsa!?" Came out of the maid's mouth.

After which, a pained and loud "Ahh! Fuck" was let out by Diana as well.

All of this startled Elsa, making her jump in place and out of her stupor. The Queen turned her head in Diana's direction. But all she saw was a young woman curled up in a ball on the ground, holding her stomach.

"A-are you okay?" Elsa asks worried, as she takes one step closer to Diana.

"Y-yeah, this is nothing serious, my Queen" Diana answers, adding the title back to Elsa's name, breathlessly still curled up in a ball.

"Are you su-" The Queen was about to ask if the maid was sure, but her eyes spotted multiple blood-stained cloths on the ground by Diana's feet.

This caused the Queen to jump into overdrive and her head gears made her quickly close in on the unsuspecting Diana ball. The Queen softly yet powerfully grabs onto the girl's shoulders and raises her off the floor.

"What happened? Where are you hurt? Who hurt you? When did it happen? Should I call for doctors?" Multiple, worry-filled, questions come out of the Queen's mouth simultaneously.

Diana who was pretty out of it due to the pain, raises her head her eyes finally meeting with Elsa's.

"W-what?" Is the only thing which comes out of the confused maid's mouth.

Elsa sees that Diana's face looks almost if not even worse than her room, especially the girl's bloodshot dark-circled eyes.

"Okay, take a seat. I am going to Gerda or Kai so that they could get a doctor for you" Elsa says quickly, then swiftly lowers the maid onto her bed, then releases her, and starts quickly walking to the door to go out.

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