Chapter 28.

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~ Messy meetings! ~

Narrator POV:

The next day after making all of the ice sculptures.

The ice Queen of Arendelle is peacefully sleeping in her ginormous queen-sized bed, the early morning sun rays are trying to shine through the room's windows, but the curtains covering the window prevent it from succeeding in their supposed job.

Elsa slowly wakes up, yawning a little and somehow pulling it off elegantly, unfortunately, there was nobody in the room to lay their eyes upon such a view... Some specific maid would've loved to see it.

Elsa, however, is confused. Before her coronation, her 'alone' life was less packed with stuff to do, thus she could sleep till she woke up every day, thus she was stuck in that not-so-good sleep schedule.

Her private maid fixed that, with some difficulty, of course, over the few weeks as she woke up Elsa at the same time every morning. It took some effort on Elsa's part to not throw Diana out of the room and go back to sleep on the first days, but eventually, her internal clock was done anew, which is why she woke up now at the right time without any help.

She's yet to check the actual time from the stand-clock, maybe she woke up even earlier than it seems and her maid is yet to arrive? So she does just that by craning her head to the side. She sees that it's twenty-one minutes past her waking time, her suspicion was proven right.

And now Elsa's confused even more. Her waking up by herself isn't the reason why the Queen is confused though, she's confused because she woke up without any 'help' as her maid should've been here in her room some time ago.

She is snapped out of her confused daze by several light knocks on the door of her room. For a split moment, she thought that it was her maid, but that thought quickly dissipated as she remembered that Diana doesn't knock in the morning and enters the room with the key that she herself gave to her when it was made.

It also couldn't be Anna, as her knocks tend to be more 'aggressive' than the soft ones that she just heard.

It could be Kai, but he normally knocks twice every time, as he's quite punctual about certain things he does. So that doesn't seem the case either.

"Queen Elsa?"

While Elsa was lost in her thoughts, she heard a feminine and quiet, almost shy-like, voice. This is definitely somebody she doesn't know.

"Ye-" Elsa starts but hearing how hoarse her voice is, she coughs out into her hand, she would really like to go for a glass of water, but there's nobody to serve her this time "Yes?" Elsa answers back after clearing out her throat.

After an awkward moment of silence, the Queen hears back from the stranger behind the door.

"I am one of the maid trainees, taught by Diana, I am here to serve you for this morning instead of her, by her request... Could I come inside?"

"Huh?" Elsa lets out puzzled, but realizing that she couldn't possibly be heard, shakes her head slightly to reset herself, and then says "Yes, let me just unlock the door"

"Thank you, Queen Elsa" She hears back, she's slightly confused why the maid in training chose those words in this situation, but she's used to weird things, she hangs out with the strangest individual out there after all.

Elsa finally gets out of her bed, standing on the floor with her bare feet, which is slightly uncomfortable... Yet another thing Diana got her used to, always putting on slippers or heels, if she needs to get somewhere quick, before she was allowed to leave the bed... Yes, her maid would literally force her to stay in bed before she got to put footwear on her legs.

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