Chapter 15

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~ Great Thaw. Part 2 ~

Diana POV:

"Elsa, those two don't seem like knights to me, more like mercenaries or something, so they will most likely try to shoot on sight," I say to the Queen as we run up, yet another set of stairs even higher, the two goons are steadily catching up, but they are still far enough for me to be able to converse with Elsa without them hearing it.

"So, here's the plan, once we make it to the very top, the very first thing you need to do, is make a decent size ice wall at the entrance, to buy us some time, that's the first and most crucial step"

"I-I Will try" Elsa replies, with less confidence than I'd like.

"Don't worry, you got this, you're amazing"

"Right..." She mutters.

The two men are gaining on us, but we are almost at the top of the palace, just a little bit and we will be there.

"Elsa, get ready to do it," I tell Elsa.

"Okay..." She answers and then she silently repeats "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this" over and over, as we are finally a few seconds away from the entrance of the top-most room.

And just as we got inside, with me barely making it, since I was behind Elsa, she built a wall of ice, preventing the goons from entering, which should give us enough time for everything else that I have in mind.

I turn to Elsa, who's stressed out, but also slightly happy because she didn't screw up, not like she actually would, for she works quite well under pressure, since in the movie she beat and possibly was close to killing these two, if it weren't for the meddling Hans talking her out of it, if not for him... Frozen would've had a different rating.

"Queen, listen" Elsa snaps out of her state and stares at me "Now, you got to do everything that I say, it's important, I don't want any rejections, got it?"

Elsa slightly nods in what seems to be confusion. I guess my 180 from jovial to serious mood put her off, but now's not the time for that.

"First, I want you to make me an ice shard, that's sharp enough to slightly cut flesh"

The Queen apprehensively does the task and hands over the shard to me, I take it, grip it tightly, this will definitely be enough to do the job.

"Second, we need a decoy..." I stare at Elsa for a few seconds, prompting her to ask me.

"Yes? What do I need to make for that?" Elsa tries to hurry me along.

"Hm..." I hum, I don't know... I feel like a Queen, especially Elsa should have never been put in chains... even if it's only for a short time... Yes, I don't want that happening, so I guess it's time for some slight change in the plot...

It's not like I could've dodged the events for too long anyway. So why not mess some stuff up. I've already made Elsa build a wall, instead of her fighting and defending against the arrows these two buffoons shot at her, so, whatever.

"I will be the decoy" I finally say, making Elsa's eyes wide.

"Huh? You? How will you be a decoy?"

I hear Elsa's wall of ice being shot with multiple arrows, I guess they aren't that stupid, if you want to break something effectively, focus on one point, giving me less time than I thought.

"My hair" I point the shard to my head.

"Huh?" Elsa lets out a sound in confusion before she realizes what I mean "Wait... You can't be serious"

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