Chapter 21

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~ The Calm Conversation, part 1 ~

Narrator POV:

The door to the Queen's room opens and in comes the maid, carrying a tray, which holds some desserts, biscuits, and even some chocolate, which is a little bit redundant, seeing as there are 4 cups of hot chocolate right there on the tray.

"I am back!" Diana declares to the Queen.

"Yeah I know, I heard the door open and I am looking straight at you..." Elsa deadpans.

"Sometimes, vocalizing what you do is fun, therefore, I am going to put the tray down, hand the cup which is full of hot chocolate straight to your arms and then I will sit down"

And the Queen looks at the maid doing just as she said, a cup appearing in her palms and the maid sitting down in a fancy sofa chair.

"And I brought extra cups... Just in case" Diana quickly adds, getting an appreciative nod from the Queen.

There's an awkward silence, neither of the two saying anything, but the maid isn't having any of it.

"Ahem, I've read a moderate amount of books"

"Uh... Okay?"

"And... In one of those books. there was a mention of a little 'game' that helps people to get to know each other better"

"Ooh, a game, what's it about?" Elsa chimes in with a tiny amount of excitement.

"It didn't have a name... But I thought of naming it, anyways, I called it 21 questions" The maid says 'proudly'.

Elsa stares at the maid, her excitement having died down "I don't think I need the rules for it..."

"Uh... Yeah..."

"And how is this a game? We'd be asking each other questions anyways, so what does this add, exactly?"

"I... um... It said that the questions must be answered 'honestly' and 'truthfully'? No matter what they are..."

"Maybe this sounds wrong coming from me... You know, the Queen, who hasn't really met a lot of people... But isn't that what people are supposed to do in a situation where they want to 'get to know each other' anyways?"

"That may or may not be correct..."

"Right... So?"

"It's a game... Because..."

"Because?" Elsa asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Because... there is a set number of questions you have to ask somebody?" Diana says uncertainly.

"Right, 21"

"Exactly" The maid remarks.

The Queen just rolls her eyes at the maid "Fine... Let's do this 'game'... And one more thing, aren't games supposed to have a winner or a loser, or something?"

"Now that one I have an easy answer to, that'd be a no, one property of a game is for fun and enjoyment, there doesn't have to be a victor, but we can think of something if the Queen wants"

"I suppose that makes sense, we can keep it like this, so, shall we begin?"

"whoa, hold on, this may not seem like a 'game', but it still requires some explaining to be done"

"It does? But it's just questions..."

"First, we are obviously not actually going to do 21 questions, that's just way too many"

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