Chapter 25

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Natasha's Pov

"Where is she??" I heard Y/N say on the verge of panicking.

"Right there," I said pointing to where she was running around in the park. She was playing with another little kid and it was adorable.

"I should have been watching her..." Y/N griped and continued to watch them play.

"It's alright. I think birdguy was watching her. I know that may not comfort you much but she would not have been hurt." I said hoping to ease her self guilt even though it was a small slip up.

       Right after I said that Tamara ran right into a tree. Kids. I saw Y/N completely tense up but not move. My guess is she wanted to see what Clint would do. He speed walked to around four feet away from her and asked from what I was guessing if he could come closer. I could see her nod her head and he pulled out a tissue from him pocket and wiped her nose. I could not tell if it was bleeding from that far away but I assumed it was not.

       Refocusing to Y/N I saw she had relaxed slightly while this was happening. I heard a pair of footsteps behind me.

"Back at the tower I got questions. But its good to see Cassie find a playmate. See you Nat! Bye!" I heard someone say. I gave a half sigh half laugh knowing there was going to be a long explanation.

"You know her?" Asked Y/N slightly narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, she works with us. her.." daughter? child friend? I aborted that sentence right away. "Her.. The kid Tamara is playing with knows her well. Argh." I sighed. I had no idea how to classify this.

       Y/N laughed. "Oh ok. She seemed nice enough. Her kid seems nice. They both get along well. Cassies her name right?" She asked unwrapping another muffin.

"Yeah, do you want more? You ate three and it seems like you may need more?" I asked reopening the basket.

"Huh, maybe but save two blueberry ones for Tamara because all the running she is doing will definitely tire her out. Also save one for birdguy too. He is running just as much if not more." Y/N said taking the last apple cinnamon muffin.

      I looked out to the middle of the park again and saw Tamara chasing Clint and trying to hit him with a flower. It was so funny. Checking the time I noticed it was nearly noon. The fair would be not so crowded yet and it would not be very hot.

"Hey Y/N, the rush to get to the fair starts in about an hour. If we head out now then we can make it. Unless you or the littles want to stay here."

       As soon as I finished the sentence I kid you not Tamara wrapped herself around my legs and started chanting fair. This woke up pup who sensed the excitement and started to babble and windmill his arms. 

"Fair is a go then!" I heard Y/N say.

"Yaaaaaaaaay!" Cling squealed and ran to get the car.   

        The park was in a walking distance to the tower. It was our grounds really. But the outer edge was a park for everyone. Over the stone wall at the other end was the more private park and outside training area. I started walking to the parking area. It was just like side parking on the street. Progress was hindered a bit by Tamara clinging to my legs but we made it with Y/N right behind holding a happy pup.

"So Y/N, you can walk, we will give you enough money for a bus fair or you can ride with us. Up to you." I said wanting to give her options. "If you don't know the way we can give you a map or take the bus with you. You can choose."

     She looked conflicted. Clearly she was not usually given this much choice. I really wanted to find out why all three of them looked half starved and why Y/N always seemed to be limping and super wary. I guess I would have to ask later or wait for them to tell me.

"Can we all take the bus? Well, one of you two. The other should take the car incase something happens at the fair because you never know." I chucked at the last part. In just the few hours I has watched and talked to Tamara it was clear she was smart, but incredibly clumsy.

"Sure." I said

"Oh yeah, my real name is Clint by the way. I figured you might want to know." Clint said taking the basket from me and looking at Y/N. 

       They nodded and smiled but looked at the basket again. I noticed and so did Clint. He reached in there and grabbed a blueberry muffin which he handed to Tamara and gave a chocolate one to Y/N.

"Different flavor but it is still amazing." he said.

       oomph. I felt something or someone run into my legs. I looked down and saw Tamara sitting against them. Looking back up I saw Y/N laughing.

"Sorry. She sits down like she's running through a wall. Also, if she likes you you will not have a moment of peace. Sorry!" 

"Its's alright." I answered.

       I saw someone walking bye us.

"And they were roommates!" I heard them say to the person on the phone.

       I caught Y/N's eye and saw the devilish glint there. I sighed knowing what was going to happen. She covered pups ears in preparation and I just stood there waiting for it to end.

"OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES" they shouted and so many heads snapped in our direction. I heard loud cheers from a group of teenagers over under the tree we were just at and annoyed glances from people trying to enjoy a good time.

"Come now Y/N, we can decide who goes on the bus while we walk to the stop. Also, I think that couple who was going to get engaged is going to murder you." Clint said like nothing had happened.

"Thanks Clint!" She said them looked at Tamara

"Thanks Clint and Tasha" Tamara said and took another bite from her muffin.

"TO THE BIRD BUS PHEASENTS" shouted Clint. Barely quieter than Y/N. I sighed and followed them. If this half morning proved anything then this afternoon would really be something. Plus, a day of fun the day before a mission is supposedly good luck. We were going back to Japan since last time we got all the information but it gave us more questions than answers.

A/N: im so punnyyyyy

get it? pheasants? ehehe

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