Chapter 38

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Your Pov

        I was really fascinated by all the red wisps floating through the air. It was beautiful. I knew I had not eaten something *illegal* or spoiled food. As soon as I mentioned the red stuff it disappeared and all the plates and silverware started to fall. Right before it would hit the floor Wanda caught all the dishes and food grabber and put them up.

"That's really cool!" I said reaching halfway out of the chair to try and touch the shimmering red stuff. I reached farther and could feel my stool tipping. 

"TO NARNIA!" I shouted right before I hit the floor. Ow.

"Y/N what the heck!" Natasha said.

"Oh my god you got Natasha to stop cursing!" The dark haired guy said. The one that had longer brown hair and was scared of the tea kettle.

"Shut it James I will hurt you." Natasha said closing my eyes with her hands. She probably flipped him off.

           I got up from the ground and tried to touch the red in the air again. It kept hovering out of reach. Darn it. I ran around and tried to get it admittedly knocking dishes out of the way but I will touch that thing. I jumped as high as I could and missed the last crimson sparkle in the air.

"Darn it," I said. "Oh fancy seeing you here Clint!" I said. I just realized in my running I had stopped next to him.

"What are the odds!" Clint said.

"I could never have guessed! How's pup doing?" I asked looking at the sleeping little one. He looked so relaxed.

"Just fine, he fell asleep before you rolled down the stairs." Clint said shifting him in his arms again. "Do you need by chance new clothes? His look very worn." 

"Its a fashion choice." I said flipping my hair. Or trying to, I was never good at it.

"Y/N here's a seat for you." Wanda said pulling up a chair with magic.

          I dove for the red wisps moving the legs of the chair but missed. "Noooo" I moaned. I would never get it.

"WHen will you LEarN, WhEn wiLL you LEaRN, tHaT YOur ACTiOn'S wiLl hAVe ConseUENCES" Someone said. I could not tell who because they did that voice really well.

"Who did that?" I asked looking around from my place on the floor.

        No one made any noise just pointed to Tasha. It made sense she understood most of those anyways. 

"You look like someone took out your spine and put JELLO in it." She said and pulled my of the floor.

"It happens, imagine each vertebra is like a different JELLO flavor!" I said sitting down.

"Exactly and you can't get to hot or it will melt and you will look like no bones Johnathan" Natasha said taking the seat next to mine.

"Who's no bones Johnathan?" Bruce asked still putting his project away.

"No one of importance" Hill said. Peculiar name. it was probably her last name though.

"Just think, if you kick them in the back they will dance like a balloon man in front of car dealerships!" I said swinging my legs beneath the table.

"Yes and have the weirdest posture, either far front of far back." Natasha replied.

"Like a disturbing human rainbow!" I said excitedly.

"Or a slinky!" Natasha agreed.

"Any human's a slinky because you can push them all down stairs." I said thinking about it.

"And fold them like an accordion." Natasha said nodding.

"Here's food please no more human slinky or JELLO back talk thanks! Although all the bones could be JELLO to make it better." Wanda said putting Mac n' cheese on the table.

"Thanks Wanda!" Bucky said and took a whole pan. 

         Everyone else split two pans. This house was so weird but it felt like home. Clearly something was going on here, I would have to find out. I took a bite or the food on my plate and it was really good! One of the best meal's I have had. I ate until I was full, there was a lot on my plate. When I finished I noticed the lady named Hill just staring at me.

           Unnerving but then again none of them had meet me and this was the second time I saw them. Besides the tea kettle whistling thing and all the other stuff. Makes sense. I was staring back at her until I heard voices in the hallway.

"Y/N is probably in there, we can go check." I heard someone that sounded like Hope say.

"Ok," That was Tamara. They were ok! I mean I knew they probably would be but still I worry.

          I heard Tamara's tell-tale walk run skip thing come this way.

"There you are Y/N!" Tamara said running into the room. I stood up and gave her a hug. 

"Have fun with the ant's?" I asked her.

"Yup! And Cassie has a big fort so we play hide an go seek!" She said jumping a few times.

          I heard another set of small and lighter footsteps start running. That must be Cassie.

"Hi Tasha and Clint!" Tamara said to them and patted pup on the head. Then ran out of the room. I could hear her and Cassie giggling and plan something, they were not as quiet as they thought. 

"Here," I said to Clint taking Pup from him. "Should be easier to eat now." I said rocking pups sleeping form.

"Thanks' Y/N, oh wait one second." Clint said getting up from the table.

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