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my feelings dont know how to feel abt this song. i love AND hate it.

i think i partially hate it is bc it reminds me of someone, but, lets not 😀😖

anyways kinda basing this on a true story 😐

sad btw.


~ Zero's POV ~

Zero would sit in Five's room for hours just looking around, reminding herself of what he was like.

He was cold to everyone but her. She was his soft spot.

They loved each other.

~ Five's POV ~

Five sat on a nearby rock and looked longingly at the ground until he pulled out a locket that Zero had gave him, at the time he thought is was cheesy.

He opened it and admired the picture of her.

If they ever parted it was Zero's way of always being with him.

But he still felt like she wasn't there at all, he missed her, too much.

He clutched the locket in his hand and bit his bottom lip trying to stop his tears.

He took a deep breath and got up, he began walking again.

~ April 24, 2019 ~

Zero woke up and heard confused voices from downstairs.

She rubbed her eyes, put her robe on and walked downstairs.

She never aged. The locket worked, kind of.

~ 13 years old ~

Zero grabbed two lockets she had in her jewellery box and set them down on her desk.

She put pictures of her and Five in them.

She set up candles and turned off every light in her room.

She hovered her hand over the lockets and chanted a spell.

"In life, death and near-death must we be together, not to age when seperated by different parallels, to always and forever be with eachother if not physically, mentally."

~ Back to present ~

Zero had put a spell on the lockets, thankfully she had planned well, maybe.

She walked into the kitchen to see Five.

Her siblings were gathered round the table.

Five and Zero both locked eyes for a few moments.

"Hi." Zero quietly said.

"Hey." Five smiled faintly.

Zero went to hug Five. He hugged back.

"I missed you." Zero nuzzled into his shoulder.

"I missed you too." Five held on tight.

They finally reunited. "You didn't age?" Five questions.

They pulled away and Zero noticed something on Five's hand.

"What's that?" Zero mutters, stammering.

"I- I-" Five looks at the wedding ring on his finger.

Zero breaks into tears.

"Y-You're married?" Zero snivels.

Five can't gather the words to say.

He just looked her in the eyes with tears beginning to pool.

"Who?" Zero asks.

"Her name's Dolores." He breathes out heavily.

~ 13 years old ~

"Hey Zero?" Five walks into Zero's room.

"Yeah?" She looks up at him and smiles brightly.

"I don't think I can be with you anymore." Five sits down on her bed.

"W-What do you mean?" Zero frowns.

"I just- I just don't want this whilst we're still young. I want to wait until we are older. I promise that we can be together again." Five briefly explains.

"Okay." She chokes up.

Five leaves with an emotionless expression.

Zero began to regret putting the spell on the locket.

~ Present ~

"You betrayed me." Zero blankly states. "So much for that promise." She walks out of the kitchen.

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