Chapter 2: Little basement of fun

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Gizzy yawned, adjusting. The creak of a door shed light in the dungeon.

"Bout time. I was getting bored." She huffed as a man in a robe entered, staring her down. "So is this a sex dungeon?" she yawned.

"Interrogation quarters." The priest nodded, confirming the voice from last night.

"What are you, like...the Spanish Inquisition, because I'mma be honest, I did not expect this at all." She shrugged "How did you even lift me into here?"

"You're a very sizeable troll. I don't believe I've seen one in quite that color." He noted, examining her up and down with his eyes.

"Bitch if you just called me fat, I swear." Gizzy huffed.

"No branding, Seem to have no ownership markings of any kind."

"Yea, Just the wife. I looked into branding but sponsorship is rough if you don't do professional sports or teen drama sitcoms. Best I've gotten is an energy drink deal and they didn't pay very well." Gizzy diverted. "Free drinks, mostly."

"Fascinating creature. My lord will be very pleased with you, especially once you've been properly broken in and learned your place. You can learn to be happier if you are submissive. I must admit, MY experience will be more interesting if you do not." He said, rubbing his bald head and circling her.

"So what's the wifi situation, Friar Fuck? I can't get a signal in here and I'm supposed to have a 16 light-year range."

"Foreign dialect, you must be far from home." He questioned.

"Well that's the first intelligent assumption you've made all day, punkin. So who's your master, I'd really like to meet him." Gizzy snipped.

"I'm sure you would, and of course you wouldn't attempt to escape in the process. If you are a good servant, and prove you can be submissive, then you shall meet him soon, and be blessed with his lavish presence. If not, then I'm afraid it's just the two of us, and far less enjoyable conditions."

"Maybe if you had better seats in this dump, people would stick around longer." She quipped. He sighed in disappointment, giving her a swift backhand and shaking his sore hand afterwards. Gizzy looked up with a slight sniffle and over-acted intimidation.

"Please sehr, can I have some moahr?" she asked, breaking out an English accent to ammuse herself.

"Well, you may be a stubborn one, and my master will not be pleased with delay, but at least I will have longer to enjoy training you." He smiled.

"Promises, promises." She shrugged. "Who's leash are YOU on? Who's your master?"

"His name is not important, only your submission." The priest said, gathering his composure and leaving as she waited.

"Great, this is gonna take a while." She complained.

Greg paced in circles, trying to get a better signal as Izleena sat on a rock and brooded.

"This is ridiculous. I can't get a clear signal." He fidgeted.

"Is Gizzy okay?" Izleena asked.

"Yea don't worry, but I can't seem to connect without going to autopilot. Every time I try piloting Gizzy I get a blocking signal. They're running some kind of primitive anti-hacking field. I can switch bodies, but I can't get both online. Our dynamic trio may have to be a rotating dynamic duo until we can shut that down."

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