Chapter 3: Local Hospitality

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Izleena followed Greg, as they trudged with purpose through the clearing, down the poorly maintained dirt path. A small barely bustling town rumbled and clinked, conversations and animals fading to a wall of random noise.

"I don't know what to expect with these gods, so when Gizzy get's done, and we all get there, I'm sending you and Gizzy in, and I'm staying outside for backup. If shit goes wrong, I'll put Gizzy on auto-pilot to draw fire, and they won't expect a heavily armed Greg to charge in knowing their positions."

"Is she even close?" Izleena asked.

"Several days out, if she needs longer, we can just chill and ask more locals about the mythology. Gizzy will be back when she's done, meanwhile, we can handle this." Greg assured.

"Two women alone, with no man protecting them? Won't that seem odd?"

"Gizzy's a big girl, she's beefier than most Eridani. All the gods likely had protectors, so 2 ladies won't be any more suspicious than all 3 of us. They won't question it, especially with you looking like an Eridani Goddess. We'll say Gizzy's your troll slave and you represent whoever. I don't know who rules this kingdom. Dionysus isn't a wolf, so there are multiple players here, not even mentioning the flying bastard I met first, and even gods don't kill each other's Eridani representative. They're the ones publically posing as Gods in mortal bodies, it breaks the illusion of people see one of them die. Our Osirian ancestors didn't look human enough in these times, so the Eridani often sat on the thrones and answered to their beastly masters. It's a whole role reversal bit to confuse humans and use their own religions against them."

"I'd feel safer confronting a giant wolf with both of you." She muttered.

"You'd be safer with a Gizzy, she's faster and less intimidating."

"What if they detect the sexual tension and realize we're lovers? Won't they try and burn me as a witch for being gay or something?" Izleena asked.

"It's not the dark ages, Izleena, it's way before that." Greg insisted.

"I thought humans were weird about that stuff in the past, I assumed our kind was a bit prudish too. I don't know when that sort of thing became acceptable, even among gods."

"Leena, have you read literally anything in Greek Mythology? It's all gay, hell they don't even rule out animals, slaves, and blood relatives. If anything, we're the prudes now. Our horny asses got nothing on these Mofos."

"That's terrifying." She admitted.

"Especially for the local sheep. Okay act godly, there's people."

Izleena strolled confidently, having far better role-playing skills than Greg, as she entered the village. She sneered her face at the human filth, the disgusting streets and smell of horse-shit, which want even acting. Greg followed behind her as she carefully balanced her heels among the mud and rocks. Another reason heels are a problem. Bad support on gravel.

"Hello there." She said, poised and regal, entering the open-style market where the local blacksmith was toiling. Two dwarves cranked bellows and hammered horseshoes as the owner of the place approached. She squinted at him, unsure of he was a very short human, or a very large dwarf.

"Evening." He bowed.

"Blacksmith, whom do you serve?" she asked bitchishly.

"The lord of this land of course." He replied. Izleena rolled her eyes, the left one twitching and rolling further.

"Do not test me, pleasant, I asked for a name."

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