Chapter 1

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Normani's POV:
I was currently waiting for Megan's class to finish so she could give me a ride home. She has about 10 minutes of class left so I'm currently scrolling through Instagram and liking some pics. I never told Megan but I do have feelings for her. I started having feelings for her when we went to high school. I'm scared she won't feel the same way so i never told her and hid my feelings.

"Hey baby" Megan said while walking up to me. She leaned in to give me a hug by wrapping her arms around my waist. My heart fluttered at the nickname.

"Hey Meg" I said while wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Do you want to stay over at my place for a little or just go home?" Megan asked.

"I'll come over for a little bit since I have homework to finish later" I said.

"Ok and I have homework as well so we can work on it together if you want" Megan said

"Ok, yeah that's fine" I said while we both got into the car.

During the car ride I kept glancing at Megan to admire how beautiful she looked. I must've been looking for a long time because Megan turned her head towards me and smiled. I blushed and turned away.

Megan's POV:
I caught Normani staring at me while I was driving. She's looked so cute when she turned away and blushed. We rode in the to a comfortable silence.

"Can we stop somewhere and get something to eat, I'm hungry" Normani said.

"Yeah I think there's a chipotle close by, we can stop there" I said while driving.

"Ok and I want a burrito bowl with coke" Normani said.

"Ok and I'll get the same" I said while pulling up Inti chipotle. I ordered our food and payed. Then I drove to my house. About 10 minutes later we arrived and we both got out the car. Normani grabbed the food while we headed inside. When we got in we set our stuff down and went to the kitchen to take out the food.

"Thank you Meg for buying me food" Normani says out of nowhere.

"Your welcome but that was random" I said while laughing a little.

"Yeah but I realized I didn't thank you in the car so thank you once again" Normani said with a smile

"Girl don't thank me you know I'll always do anything for you so no thanks needed but your welcome again baby" I said. We went to the couch and sat down and ate while watching a tv show. I didn't know what show it was but Normani seemed to enjoy it. Once we were done eating, I took our garbage that was left to the kitchen and threw them in the trash. I went back and sat down on the couch

"What movie or series do you want to watch" Normani said while opening Netflix.

"We can watch Pretty Little Liars if you want" I said.

"Ok" Normani said while putting on Pretty Little Liars. Halfway through the first episode I wanted to cuddle.

"Come cuddle me babe" I said. Normani moved closer and cuddled into my side. I always appreciate moments like this because Normani doesn't know that I have feelings for her and I won't tell her because I'm afraid of her rejection and she's straight.

Normani's POV:
As I was cuddled into Megan's side I couldn't stop thinking about how it would be if I was her girlfriend or if we were dating. Megan must've noticed that I zoned out and wasn't paying attention when she asked, "are you ok baby?" Once again my heart fluttered at her nickname for me and I just wanted to reach up and kiss her but I couldn't.

"Yeah I'm ok, I was just thinking" I said

"What were you thinking about?" She asked

"Just about my exam coming up on Monday" I lied

"Ok but I'm tired and I wanna take a nap" Megan said

"I should head home anyway it's getting late and I have homework to finish" I said while getting up.

"Ok I'll drive you home cause I'm not letting you take an Uber." she said. Megan was always caring and would never let me go home in an Uber so she would take me home from campus.

I was about home from a party my friend was having. Megan couldn't come cause she had to study for this big test she had. I decided to call Megan and tell her I was going home. "Hey Meg" I said through the phone

"Hey babe are you done from the party?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm gonna call an Uber when I hang up to take me home" I said

"No your not I'm coming to get you" she said and I heard shuffling in the background.

"No Meg it's fine I'll just call an Uber, you just go back to studying for your big exam that you have coming up I'll be fine" I said

"Normani I'm not playing with you stay where you are and don't call an Uber I'm coming for you plus I'm already in my car driving" she said in a serious tone.

"Ok I'll see you when you get here and thank you Megan" I said

"You don't need to thank me, you know I always got you girl" she said. And with that she hung up and I was currently waiting for to arrive. About 10 minutes later Megan pulled up and told me to get in so i did. When I got in the car and put on my seatbelt Megan asked "Hey Mani, how was the party?"

"It was ok but I didn't have much fun I was bored" I said sighing

"Aww why was it boring? I thought you loved partying." Megan said.

"I do but I only love it when your with me cause your basically the life of the party and it's always fun when I'm with you" I said

"Aww I love you baby, and next time I'll make you a deal and go. Also your right I am the life of the party cause we be turnin up" Megan said while laughing and I giggled along with her. She always knows how to brighten up my mood.

"I love you too Meg and let's say we get out of here now because I don't wanna stay here any longer" I said.

"Yeah let's go" Megan said while starting to drive off

End of flashback.

We finally arrived at my house. I said "thank you Megan, you really didn't have to drive me home because I would've been fine with an Uber but seriously thank you"

"Girl you know I'm not gonna let you take an Uber and don't mention it, you know I always got you."

"Ok bye Meg, I love you" I said almost getting out the car but before I could Megan grabbed my hand to pull me back and said "I love you too Mani and see you tomorrow" and then leaves over to kiss my cheek. I was blushing but tried my best not to show it. Megan was the touchy type of best friend like she would kiss my forehead or cheek when she or I leaves. She'll hug me from behind sometimes and kiss behind my ear which gives me butterflies. Or when we're laying in bed together on our phones, she will randomly put her phone aside and cuddle me just because she wants to but I don't mind cause I love cuddling her. I left the car and went inside while Megan drove off. I set my stuff down and turned on the lights. I went to my room upstairs and changed my clothes. I went back down stairs and got my books to do my homework. About 2 hours later I completed all my work and decided to text Megan saying I was done with my homework. She responded telling me that she was almost done with hers and she was gonna take a shower and go to bed. I told her that I was going to do the same. After I finished texting Megan I put my phone down and went to shower. About 20 minutes later I came out the shower and put on some pajamas. I went into bed under my covers and told Megan goodnight. She responded and told me goodnight with a blowing kiss emoji. I put my phone down on my night stand and went to bed.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will try to update as much as I can ❤️

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