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"This is the same place I was before."

The same fog-filled place was all I could see. On instinct I looked down and all I could see that all of the goods that proudly enunciated from my chest causing me to try to cover up what I could.


I turned and there he was again and repeatedly appearing as a shadow. Once again, I could not see him, but his aura was the same. "It's you."

He chuckled and it was so dark it sent shivers down my spin.

"You look beautiful."

My cheeks grew hot and I started walking closer to him, the embarrassment that I had immediately evaporated in an instant.

That's how comfortable he made me. The shadow looked down at me when I finally approached him. "I have questions." I admitted. He looked away from me and sighed painfully. "I can't answer anything right now, Dear."

My fists tightened. "Why are you in my dreams? Who exactly are you? You can at least answer those." I questioned. His hand raised to my cheek and my eyebrows furrowed. He could at least answer my questions and there's no reason for him not to.

"Don't look at me like that. You make it hard to hold back." He says in response to me scowling at him. With that being said, he gently grabbed my jaw and pressed his lips to mine. Wrapping his arm around my waist he pressed my body to his, smashing my my chest to his.

It felt almost natural to have him like this. His lips were so soft and inviting which gave birth to many foreign thoughts that rushed like a football soaring through the air after being thrusted into the sky, through my head and it wasn't holy ones. No matter how amazing it felt to have him this close he still is a stranger who could be extremely dangerous.

I put my hands on his huge shoulders to attempt to push him away. When he didn't budge I bit his tongue as hard as I could. I could taste a hint of the metallic taste of supernatural blood.

The supernatural blood has a distinctive taste, but it has bursts of different types. It was confusing.

I'm pretty sure he got the message then because he lifted his head so I could look at him again, but he didn't let go of my body so I was still pressed up against him.

He chuckles darkly.

I could tell how powerful he was because even though I was using enough force to push a regular human back really far, this man didn't move at all.

He was like a stone wall that was built for only being impermeable, so not even a flood could get through.

"You're lucky I didn't punch you. Don't ever kiss me without my permission."

In seconds, the shadowed part of him faded everywhere for his face. His hair was long and dark red falling down his strong shoulders stopping at the meeting of his waist and upper body. My eyes trailed down and I saw that I was against his very naked and muscular body. As sound of shock left my lips, my cheeks flared and then he finally let me push him away.

Turning around I put my palms over my eyes trying to conceal them for witnessing any more parts of this man. I heard him chuckle again behind me.

"Our time together is little...." , I heard him say. After a while he continued and as he spoke I could hear coming closer towards me. "This is only a dream. Unfortunately, nothing is even real." Soon I felt his presence right behind me. "We could do anything we want and you'd still be in your little house in the woods when you wake." He said smugly almost if he was mocking me.

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