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I am so exhausted.

Ever since we've been here we've been training every single day for the past two months. Sparring, wrestling, and skill work is drilled into our minds day in and day out. It is beneficial for me, but I feel as if I haven't gotten any stronger, because I have been losing against the Prince.

He's not making it easy for me. Prince Xerxes dodges every spell, energy blast, and sword swipe and has me face down on the ground or on my back in seconds. His blinding speed makes me think I see him in one spot, but in actuality he's in another.

It's extremely difficult for me, but I cheer up once Coleder assures me. I have to say that being with him when he's here is the best part of my day. He teaches me moves to block or either counter attack the Princes moves. Sometimes I try to pay close attention, but Coleder makes it hard when he has his hands on my hips and lips that whisper soothing words in my ear.

But sometimes Coleder leaves the Vampire Kingdom to check up on his pack, leaving me and Damien here.

Although tired, I have been enjoying my time here, unlike Damien. He can be seen grouching whenever he sees a Vampire. I had thought his encounter with the king Xalen would change his prospective. 'You're too trusting', he tells me, but how can I not trust the vampires here when all they've done is help me become stronger. He can just be a little uptight and I think I know exactly what to do to help him relax.

After I finished my training with Prince Xerxes for the day I made my way down the halls to where Damien stays when I'm training. When I heard a gruff, 'come in', I did just that. I saw him sitting on his bed with his elbows resting on his spread legs. He wore all black with his black shirt that showed off his strong physique, black pants, and his all black cargo boots.

His eyes finally looked towards me. They looked to be full of frustration and anger when he looked at my attire, which consisted of a all white—dingy with grime now, sports bra and my cargo pants and shoes. I wasn't bleeding, but even the slightest scratch on the thin skin of my arms, shoulders, or stomach would tear. That's why the Prince decided to end training early. It's taking me longer to heal for some reason. I think it's because I just am getting my body prepared for the power I will gain.

You can't gain power to fit in an unfit body.


"What is it?"

His tone made me think of what I was even doing here to begin with when he clearly doesn't want to see me. "I-never mind." I stutter.

He rises from the bed to his full height. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked walking to me. This warmed my heart. Even though he's clearly pissed he's still worrying about me. That means he still cares in my book at least. "Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to see if you wanted to get out of this room for a while."

Damien smiles and says, "I'm not going anywhere with you looking like that." I felt my cheeks flush and he chuckled. I nodded and turned to leave his room. When I got out, I closed his door. That was embarrassing. I mean at least I didn't get rejected.

After heading back to my room for a fresh up in the shower and new clothes, I met Damien, but instead of meeting him in his room, he was leaning on the outside of the door and opened his eyes when he sensed me. All he added was his leather jacket and touched up the blonde strands of his hair a bit. The little subtle details made so much of a difference and made my heart flutter.

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