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Livia's demon speaks backwards so letters are placed differently than what you are used to.

Love = evol
Happy = yppah
Time = emit



A cottage soon came in my line of sight which made me get even more on edge. That kid earlier said something about a skinned woman and his mother was trying to shut him down.

But I saw those marking...

The house looked like it was about to break down in any second so I took cautious steps up the stairs, but that wasn't enough as my foot got stuck when I accidentally stepped on a rotten step. After knelling, I sighed as I put my hands on calf and tried my hardest to pull my leg out of the wood.

"You look troubled, Dearie."

I gasped and pulled out my gun in milliseconds. "I'm so sorry, Ma'am. You startled me." I said feeling embarrassed that I pulled a gun on a little old lady.

She had unruly curly white hair with darker grey hairs around the edge and temples of her face. She also had many moles across her neck and one on the side of her nose. She had so many faint scars that I could make out all over her face.

So this is the 'Scars woman'.

"Sorry to disturb you like this, but a woman told me newcomers had to meet you? Even if I'm not staying long and I had a....um associate traveling with me, but he refuses to come and I don't know where he is." I explained while finally pulling my boot out of the wood.

"Sorry about your property; I'll gladly fix it." I told her as I felt the palm of my hand warm up as the wood began to tie itself together again. "It's fine, Dearie. Yes, newcomers always should stop by. My name is Lolisheba." (Loli-shee-ba)

"My name is Destiny. It's nice to meet you." I feel bad lying to the kind lady, but there's a faint odor that is in this house and I believe it's coming from Lolisheba. Damien did say he smelt a witch and this was most likely who he was talking about.

"I can tell that's not your name, but I'll allow you privacy. Would you like to come in and get out of the cold?" She asked as she rubbed her skinny fingers together.

"No thank you. I have to find the associate of mine." I actually don't give a damn where he is. I just need an excuse to get away.

"I insist, Dearie. After destroying my wood, you can at least have tea with me." She said moving her door open wider not even giving me an option.

Didn't I just fix her step though?

"Of course. I guess." I walked inside the house even though everything was screaming at me not to. If I didn't go in things would have probably escalated and I try to avoid violence against anyone at any costs except for my mother.

Nothing would spare her from my wrath.

As soon as I stepped in the slight foul odor was gone. That's strange. Maybe I was smelling something outside. The witch Damien was talking about was maybe around her house waiting for Lolisheba to die so it could eat her soul.

Most evil witches that wait for the right moment to strike does this.

I sat in a chair next to the stuffed dear head hanging from the wall above my head. Lolisheba brought me food and tea practically shoving it into my face. "I don't need this much food, Miss Lolisheba."

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