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Livia let out a sigh when she finally parked the car in a random but secluded spot after she had been driving for 16 hours straight. With her being half demon she didn't need as much sleep as her mother did, but she was still tired.

She was about to close her eyes and follow her mother's lead when she immediately heard a huge boom. Livia shot up and with a wave of her hand she immediately had a invisible spell going to where only supernatural beings cannot see her car.

She let out a sound of relief when it was just thunder. "So paranoid." At the sound of her voice Livia's eyes shot over to see that Giavonna had opened one eye and smirked at her.

"I have to be."

"Liv, thank you for taking care of me." Giavonna said taking Livia's hand. "I'll never let anyone hurt you, momma." Giavonna smiled as she thought horrid thoughts that would give people nightmares.

Livia gasped lowly as the stench of the evil in her soul entered her nostrils. She almost threw up.

Livia played curves of fingers and hesitantly asked. "Mom, how was dad able to hide from the council cause if they think he's dead and we're not, that's a good enough reason for us to hide with him."

Giavonna smiled tirelessly and said, "Its because the best hunter known to the supernatural world is after us and he will find us if we're with Admosous."

"I wonder where he is."

"Probably underground. Which come to think of it, it's actually a great idea." Giavonna said.

Livia rolled her eyes. She was not going underground. 'I can barely deal with the disgusting smell of my mom's soul. Why I would go underground which has even more foul smells?'


Livia woke up around 1:42 am. She had only slept for about 3 hours. Livia thought about the last time she slept amazingly and that was years ago. She started the car back up and that woke up her mother, who was on guard with her knife in her hand.

"Look who's paranoid now."

Giavonna stuck up her middle finger causing Livia to chuckle as she sped down the road.

After 11 hours diving she was now in California. "Pull over. I'll drive to the safe house."


Livia and her mom switched places a little after she parked the car. "Where is this safe place?" She asks after driving for a while.

"Don't worry about it. You just get some rest." Giavonna had a look of regret on her face. "Mom, are you okay?" Livia suddenly wasn't sleepy anymore. "Don't worry about it. I told you to rest."

Livia trained herself to be able to read people and she felt in her heart that she was hiding something. The foul smell of evil hit her nose even harder this time again causing her to gag and cover her mouth.

Giavonna had her palm glowing a pink shade facing Livia. Once she looked up and the sight, she now understood what was happening.

She was being betrayed. Normally she would uses all her skills and powers to destroy her opponent but she couldn't bring herself to do anything this time. This was her mother. The one who she looked up too. Her protector; no matter how evil her soul was.

Her palm began to glow as Giavonna was about to use a sleep spell. Livia's heart was broken in two.

The glow of her hands turned a dark purple and it dispersed into vein like cracks on her tan arms. The veins led their way up to her eyes that were both already pitch black.

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