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Damien's attempts to avoid me were extremely obvious and childish. The argument is over now and I learned what I needed to learn from it. Now he needs to learn from it as well, so we can move on.

I wanted him to know that I felt like he should have been more concerned for the humans that I might've killed than my well being also that this unpredictable and inevitable war was against me and no one else's responsibility, but my own. Additionally, I needed him to be aware that my morals are still influenced by the humans I spent most of my life around and killing to make myself stronger seemed wrong to me.

And he wanted me to know that my state physically and emotionally is essential in this war for the supernatural creatures who have been dealing with mistreatment before I was even born. He also wanted me to understand that this war is not mine to fight alone even though the council is the one who initiated it with me. They're plenty of others who have a bone to pick with them.

I completely understand his point of view and took the constructive criticism. The feeling isn't mutual clearly, because I'm being mature by understanding when I'm wrong in certain situations and implementing ways to be better.

Damien continues his trek in front of me. I've been walking quickly to keep up with him and I'm getting sick of it. He is the one who chose to stay with me when I told him to leave, not only that, he saved me from being passed out in the woods due to being drugged for my power.

He might be angry with me, but I guess he's not that angry if he's still here. I mean, he can easily call up his father, who is literally the leader of the council, that can have me on the way to be assassinated by the bounty hunter.

I looked up and saw that Damien turned around to face me, finally. His expression was hard to read, but it was neither anger or sadness like I had expected. It was content rather.

My mismatched eyes looked beside then him as I saw a silhouette of a person disappear in a flash leaving nothing behind but a gust of wind that created a small whoosh in the process.

Damien's expression changed from an idle stare to a startled one. Growling, his eyes turned from its emerald green to a black. It looked as if someone was pouring black oil into a pond of water that looked pure green from the reflection of the green trees in it.

Not only my eyes, but Damien's as well, turned to the right side of us where a man walked slowly out of a pitch black oval hole that was big enough to fit a entire transformed dragon through it.

Soon the man was in front of us. He stopped moving towards us once he had me get into a defensive stance with the blue glow of my veins become more apparent as time progressed.

The left side of my face where my regular golden brown eye was started to heat up, so I could tell that the royal blue veins, that started from my completely blue hands that dispersed into my veins on my wrists with an exponential glow to heighten their appearance, had made their way across my face meeting with my eye.

I could tell that my eye glowed the same color of my veins; however, my pitch black eye stayed its color and the little black veins, which were so apparent but still dark as it stood out again my olive colored skin, did not connect with my other veins like it should have.

I thought I was completely a hybrid now but I guess not, because if I were, than I would have blue veins across my entire face and not just the side where my eyes normal.

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