
2.5K 43 17

January 22, 2022

Time: 1345

Location: Near the Midway Atoll where it all started



The Sirens first initial attack was during a RIMPAC exercise in the Pacific that was delayed due to the required ships having malfunctions. But a few years ago a siren ship in June 2015 stacked with wisdom cubes came out of a portal during a RIMPAC exercise and attacked the ships only to do no damage and get sunk leaving the cubes in the water. 

1 year later

Someone was carrying a small box of wisdom cubes to put back after it went missing from the storage and tripped on a rock conveniently put there and he tripped causing the cubes to fall and land of 2 ships USS Enterprise CVN-65 and USS Bunker Hill CG-52 causing them to turn into ship girls.

2 years later

By this time all ships were shipgirls except the new ones being built then turned into shipgirls later.

Present time

The Sirens couldn't adapt fast enough and were pushed back to Midway, the initial attack. They had a surprise for their last stand.

CSG 21: CVN-82 Ticonderoga, DDG-53 John Paul Jones, DDG-52 Barry, CG-48(Refitted) Yorktown, CG-50 Valley Forge, T-AOE-8 Arctic.

CSG 10: CVN-65 Enterprise, DDG-51 Arleigh Burke, DDG-68 The Sullivans, CG-47(Refitted)Ticonderoga/Tico, CG-52 Bunker Hill.

Both CSGs are on their way to Midway to end it once and for all.

Timeskip by Author trying to figure out the difference between CVN-65 and 82.

Ticonderoga: This is boring...

E: Sister, you have to be patient. 

Tico: Yeah mom, you can't just make everything faster y'know.

(Since the Plans for the Enterprise Class Carriers were earlier than the Ticonderoga Class right?)

Ticonderoga: I'm surprised the sirens haven't adapted to us yet.

Yorktown: Yeah they should have beaten us by now. Bonk!

Valley: Yorktown can you stop saying bonk please? Bunker Hill is still mad from being hit from nowhere.

Bunker Hill: Damn right I am! *in the distance*

JPJ: Hey Barry how much farther are we?

Barry: We should be there in 10 minutes. I can see the sky starting to turn black-ish.

E: Alright everyone! Get your stuff from the USNS Arctic for last minute supplies. We can't risk our supply ship being sunk.

Arctic: Okay that's everything. Good luck in there E.

Arleigh: Wait... Where's the other fleets they should be here by now.

Sullivans: You don't think they got hindered right?

Tico: yep we're fucked if they're not here yet.

Bunker Hill: Sirens spotted and holy shit...

Ticonderoga: What is it?

Bunker Hill: There's about 20,000 sirens there and I see Arbiter III, Purifier, Observer Alpha, and Tester.

E: Yep we're fucked. Send out an SOS.

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