Chapter 1: A what carrier?!?!?

2.7K 47 33

Time: 0842

Weather: Very clear

Location: Satellite Unavailable


Meanwhile, A random Carrier in the sea

"Ugh where am I?" Ticonderoga says with a minor headache.

(New writing style change)

She looks around and sees she is sitting on the bed on in the captain's quarters. She walks out and heads to the bridge.

"Where am I? It looks like the Pacific but wasn't I at Midway?" Ticonderoga says with complete confusion. 

She then sends out 2 E-2 Hawkeyes to scout the area and through their radars she can see 150 ships clumped up meaning this was a siren fleet. She then summons her wisdom cube that is covered in half of the corruption of the siren from their sabotage as her expression darkens.

"They must be detecting my cube if they were coming here now." Ticonderoga says while she puts the cube away and launches 4 F/A-18Es and 3 AH-64Es to bonk the siren ships into oblivion.

When the F/A-18Es arrive at the fleet, they fire their 28 Harpoon missiles. Each F/A-18E has 11 weapon station so each plane has 7 Harpoons and 4 AIM-120 AMRAAMS. **Boom**

40 siren ships were taken out due to them being clumped up as fuck. Meanwhile in the rear of the fleet, 2 carriers that were left after 4 of them were destroyed by Harpoons. Exactly 40 siren fighters took off and each AMRAAM hit their target. After the sirens jets were shot down, the AH-64Es arrived loaded with 70mm Hydras and AGM-114 Hellfires modified to EMP siren ships since land armies are no use against ships in this timeline.


**EMP noises and ships shutting down**

The rest of the siren ships were EMP'd then sunk by the F/A-18Es Harpoons that somehow reappeared. The jets and helicopters returned to the carrier with no problems. While Ticonderoga is eating in the mess hall because she was done fixing her reactor that was hastily fixed but not done properly.


Cleveland has set up a fleet containing: Hornet, North Carolina, Helena, San Diego, Laffey and Javelin. 

"What are we here for again?" Hornet says confused because she just came back from a 2 day commission. "I was still resting."

"Sorry about that. Wales said there was an unknown ship out here and we need to check it out." Cleveland says with an apologetic voice.

"WATASHI WA NUMBER WAN." 5 San Diegos said at the same time.  The rest of the shipgirls were shocked at where the other 4 came from.

Timeskip brought to you by me doing something sneaky

Ticonderoga was looking at wall picture of the entire US Navy with her hugging her sister in the top right.

*Sigh*"The memories...." Ticonderoga says with a sad expression. She then hears a LOUD ping and rushes to her radar and sees 9 blips.

"Wait I see 5 ships but where's the other 4 four? Wait..." Ticonderoga says as she look through her binos and see 5 ships and and 1 on those ships see 5 people that look the same.

"What da fuck is this dis shit? 5 girls that . . ." Ticonderoga says as her memories flash through her mind of her past.

Meanwhile with the group,

"So what ship do you think it is?" North Carolina says curiously while watching Laffey and Javelin sleep together.

"From what it looks like, it's a massive carrier but the only massive carrier I know that exists is Shinano but she's at the Sakura Empire's dock in repair after being sunk by Archerfish in 1942 and plus the aircraft carrier is in our waters since the war just begun." Cleveland says being smart.

"Aircraft carrier spotted and WOAH IT'S HUGE!" Helena says with a shocked look. The rest of the shipgirls look and see a massive carrier with a 82 on it's island.

They approach the carrier and jumped up onto the deck and see fighters standing out. They then hear an elevator rise with 2 AH-64Es and take off and then circle the carrier.

"Woah what kind of aircraft is that and how is it flying?" Cleveland says with stars in her eyes. Then the island door opens and they see a girl that somewhat resembles Ticonderoga(CV-14) back at base.

"Doesn't she look like as if Enterprise and Ticonderoga had a child?" Javelin says with a confused look.

The girl then bring out a cup of coffee and drinks it. "Hi!" The girl says.

"Who are you-zzzzzzzzzz." Laffey says while falling asleep halfway.

"My name is USS Ticonderoga, 2nd ship of the Enterprise Class Carriers/Supercarriers." The girl named Ticonderoga says.

The shipgirls were shocked that there was another supercarrier.

"Wait you said Enterprise Class Carriers?" Hornet says with a shocked expression.

"Yeah?" Ticonderoga says with a fake confused expression.

"Are you related to my sister?" Hornet continues.

"Yes in someway but my sister is more related to her than me. Oh and we're both supercarriers" Ticonderoga says.

"SUPERCARRIERS!?!??!? But Shinano is the only supercarrier we know." The shipgirls say with a shocked expression.

To be continued


Yeah I had no ideas so I ended it.

The 2nd Enterprise Class Carrier to Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now