Chapter 3: 2nd Battle for Pearl Harbor

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Time: 1340

Weather: Normal

Location: On the way back while under attack


Ticonderoga was flying the helicopter while the miniguns were trying to shoot down the jets that were trying to shoot down the helicopter. She was doing maneuvers and firing flares left and right. 


A siren jet decided to stupidly go far away to the left thinking the bullets won't reach but it got hit 20 times in the fuselage. But the other jet managed to fire 2 missiles which the flare managed to lure one away but the second stayed on it's path to the helicopter.


The missile hit the helicopter damaging it but it didn't go down yet. The jet then soon got shot down and crashed into the water.

"Don't think this helicopter is going to last much longer so I gotta land this." Ticonderoga says as she lands on the water almost crashing the helicopter. 

"I got a distress call as well." Ticonderoga says while desummoning the damaged UH-60.

"As Hammann would say, Laffey's base is under attack." Laffey says as she dragged Javelin with her leaving the others behind.

"Well I think you guys can attack them from here" Ticonderoga says as she summons a V-22. The other nodded as they summoned their riggings as Hornet launched 16 B-25Bs followed by 6 F/A-18Fs with AGM-84As and AIM-120s.

Meanwhile at the base

Everyone on base was enjoying the day waiting for Sakura Empire and Ironblood to pack their stuff and come to the base. Enterprise was of course eating ration bars but is slowly being forced by others to stop eating them. 

Suddenly explosions started to ring around the base and the radar operator legit fell asleep earlier. Most of the shipgirls were caught off guard and some of them took a lot of damage during the first strike.


The shipgirls were extremely damaged and some were unconscious from the damages. Another Orochi appeared and was stronger than the one from a few months ago. Almost in a few minutes the shipgirls were beaten back into the harbor entrance.

Enterprise mustered enough energy and used her blue eagle attack instead of the Orochi dying it just cracked the shield. The shipgirls were dumbfounded and couldn't do much either since some who just had their shells do no damage.

The Orochi had prepared to launch a missile. A missile that will eradicate Azur Lane's most important allies. All the shipgirls just sat there defeated just watching the missile prepare for launch.


An AGM-84A hits the launching rail and destroys the missile. 16 B-25Bs soon follow and drop their bombs on the Orochi and damage to an extent it is stuck. Soon AIM-120s start hitting siren jets as they fall out of the sky.

"What the? Isn't that Hornet?" Enterprise says while kneeling from the damage caused.

"Where did those missiles come from?" Wales says as she stands up but almost falls down from the damage.

6 F/A-18Fs fly over as they break off and go vertical then turn around and fire their harpoons at Orochi. Soon shells start raining on Orochi and it starts sinking front port side.

"Those planes look like the sirens but they are shooting the sirens." Saratoga says while nearly about to shoot at the jets.

The Interception Fleet is seen approaching with an unknown object flying behind them. Soon the object desummoned and a big carrier appeared and shocked everyone except the fleet.

"What kind of carrier is that?" Yorktown says while standing with a 75% damaged rigging only missing some parts of the runway.

2 AH-64Es with Hydra 70s and AGM-114Es take off and start heading toward the Orochi to finish it off while the Oroshi was still active as it tried to shoot down the helicopters but failed.

The AA guns were met with AGM-114Es which shut down the weapon as the ship was met with 70mm Hydras. It soon sunk along with the rest of the sirens. Ironblood and Sakura Empire reinforcement just arrived but were delayed from sirens on their way as they brought their stuff with them.

"Wow zis is interesting isn't it?" Bismarck says with her antisocial face. 

"Interesting." Akagi says while not being yandere. (hol up you're not Akagi)

The jets then soon land one by one and go onto the elevator to go below deck. The helicopters soon follow.

Timeskip brought to you by Roon being a tsundere

The building were 90% done being repaired while the ships were taking longer due to all the damages that were dealt. The carrier attracted a lot of attention due to they saved the base.

"I wanted to say thank you for saving the base." Wales says while having bandages on her arm and leg.

"Eh it was no problem." Ticonderoga says. An unknown figure walks up behind Ticonderoga as her yellow eyes are seen.

"Well you are a modern ship Ty." The unknown figure said. 

"Siren!" Cleveland said as she pulled out a baseball bat. Everyone summoned their half damaged rigging and pointed their riggings at the siren.

The end.

I said it was the end now go shoo.

For fucks sake FINE. Here.

Get rick rolled now leave!

You what? FINE.

"Guys calm down. This is Purifier but not from this world." Ticonderoga says while sweat dropping by how many girls summoned their riggings. The only one who didn't summon their riggings as Laffey was awake but she knew she wasn't a threat by how she was acting.

The end for real.


Well I tried and school is coming up so this will slow me down A lot.

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