Chapter 6: 2nd Battle of Britain

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Location: North Sea

Day: July 2nd, 2000


Earlier. . .

Yorktown POV

I was comforting my Big Sis after she had another nightmare. I sleep in the same room as her so I can help her. She hasn't gotten any sleep after Big Sis Ticonderoga died. I don't even know her but from the stories I heard, she was amazing.

Enterprise: *[sniffles as she was hugging her legs]*

Me: It's okay Big Sis. 

I kept comforting her as suddenly a white flash lights up the room blinding both of us. 

Timeskip brought to you by me merging universes I shouldn't be merging.

I woke up on my carrier in the middle of nowhere. Shaking myself off, I got up to the bridge. I pick up some binos and look around before seeing smoke in the distance. On the radar, there were 500+ planes headed for what seems to be Britain. 

Me: Looks like it's time to alter this battle.

At this time,  4 F/A-18H Ultra Hornets were sitting on the catapults loaded with AIM-120E AMRAAMS and AIM-9X Block IVs. They soon took off headed to deal with the plane swarm. 

Siren Pilot POV

I was piloting my B-72 Spectral Bomber with the others on the way to bomb London. We knew this wave was gonna hit because of the amount of planes. 

Siren Gunner: Spitfires and Hurricanes incoming!

There were Spitfires and Hurricanes coming in. Within 10 minutes, 30 bombers were shot down. But all the Hurricanes were shot down with 4 Spitfires left. 

The sirens begin cheering that they will survive when suddenly a B-72 exploded out of nowhere followed by another then another.

F/A-18H Pilot POV

Flight Leader: Fox 2, use the AIM-9s when you get closer.

The other 3: Affirmative. Fox 2.

The 4 planes fired off their wing mounted AIM-120E AMRAAM pairs at different planes. There was 2 more hardpoints under fuselage which makes it 5 which are holding AIM-9X Block IVs on each hard point.

Element Leader: No contact of fighters in the formation. Weird for a formation like this.

Flight Leader: It must be their gunners protecting them due to the sheer amount. Alert the other planes that will be coming here to stay far away.

Flight Wingman: I'll do it. 

He then radioes back towards the ship as F/A-18Fs began to take off along with an E-2 Hawkeye. 

Around 5 minutes later

32 F/A-18Fs loaded with AIM-120E AMRAAMs and AIM-9X Block IV Sidewinders arrived.

Random Pilot: Isn't this overkill?

Random Pilot 2: There's no such thing as overkill.

Random Pilot 3: C'mon you 2 brainlets. Fire your missiles.

Both Pilot: Yes sir!

Siren Pilot POV

Siren Pilot 2: Missile Incoming- 

A loud static was heard as an explosion as well. 

Siren Pilot: Where the hell-

Siren Gunner: 5 o'clock high!

Siren Pilot: What the hell-

Few seconds later, the plane blows up into a fireball and hits another bomber which bring both of them down.

With the British Radar Stations 2 hours after the encounter.

"The enemy bombers have disappeared." One guy says. The guy nearby spits his tea out in surprise.

"That fast!? Wasn't there like 60 bombers?" The other guy responded. The first guy shrugged and heard some transmission on the radio before it went silent.

"I don't think we are alone in the sea. . ." The guy says. 


Happy New Years Eve and New Years if you read this tomorrow. Sorry for the short chapter because I have lost my sense of storyline  and somewhat promised a chapter but I will try to continue but it's gonna be slower than car on a 89 degree slope.

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